in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 

For a dedication exercise to be complete in the sight of God, there must be a sacrifice alongside to show commitment. God asked Abraham to circumcise all male children in his house. This act marked the children of Abraham as Gods; they were dedicated to Him. Today, we must know however, that the ultimate circumcision is that of the heart giving our lives to Christ. He is our sacrifice. Anyone that will be a child of God has to come under this sacrifice by confessing Him as Lord and Saviour. Anytime there is a dedication, it must go with a sacrifice. God knows everyones ability. Bring a worthy sacrifice alongside whatever or whoever you are dedicating to Him yourself, car, business, home or child. When Hannah was going to dedicate Samuel to God, she took along three bullocks and some other materials. You see why only very few prophets can compare with Samuel. When you are sealed as Gods own, demons will have no power over you anymore. Even the devil will see you and say This one belongs to God. When David came face to face with Goliath, he said the Philistine was doomed because he was not circumcised - not dedicated to God. When you are dedicated to God, no Goliath can stand in your way. When you are not, you are exposed.

Always remember the ultimate dedication happens when you surrender your life to Christ as a living sacrifice. You are to deny yourself, pick up your cross every day and follow Him. You cannot continue to live in sin and claim you are dedicated to God. As you go about your daily activities, ensure you remain dedicated to God.


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