The Blessing, II.

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 

...continued... from part 1

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2. Make wise investments and purchases.

Luke 14:28 (NIV)

“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?

As much as we know we have been blessed by God, it is important to plan well and not waste whatever God has brought our way per time because the more He keeps blessing us if we keep wasting it, it would not last. God is not an author of confusion and He doesn't like wastage. Remember when He told the Israelites in the wilderness to gather the manna and then double for the next day. Remember when Jesus fed the multitude and gathered the 12 baskets leftovers. That is God. He wants us to have more than enough but would never appreciate wastage which was why He instructed the Israelites not to glean their wheat when it falls so the poor of the land can gather which was what Ruth did that brought her to Boaz.

When your expenses are more than your income, gradually, the boat will sink. God wants us to be mindful of our finances as He is committed to blessing us, as depicted by the Bible reference above. You have to evaluate every cost.

I read a story that shocked me many years ago about a young man that was asked what he would do with $100,000. He mentioned he would buy a car, travel out of the country, buy land and build a house. As much as we desire all these good things, once the intention is wrong, God will not bless us beyond our capacity and that is the truth. Imagine this young man listing liabilities and only mentioned an investment which is the house. It is only a matter of time as the liabilities would outweigh the investments and he would be back to the status quo. We should always think of reproducing whatever God has blessed us with rather than thinking of how to squander it. If we know it comes from God, we should be careful how we use it.

I also read a story about a man who lost a good managerial position after passing several stages. His account statement showed he was in the red with no significant investments despite earning in 6 figures. He was told point-blank that they can't commit their resources in his hands when he can't even sort out his finances.

The problem is we always want to impress those who are not even noticing us. We want to prove a statement that God has blessed us whereas God is blessing us not for us alone but others. We tend to prioritize our views over social media rather than what God thinks and why He has blessed us.

3. Create a home business.

This is another way we can build on and sustain the blessings of God. We have already established the truth that God wants to bless us but we must be found doing something. God said He would bless the works of our hands and whatever our hands find to do we should do it well. To sustain and get more of this, we should strive to create a home business - an additional income apart from the usual that we have been used to. That is how to accumulate wealth and that is how God can bless that which we do.

A man who worked on a regular in the United States decided to create a home business for himself. He would buy magazines that have Guitar image and he would cut them out, redesign them on his old computer and then reprint them. He would frame them and sell them to people. With this alone, he was able to have an additional $100,000 a year.

I decided to take a step towards this, years ago when I joined Steemit 4 years ago. While doing my regular jobs, I consistently made posts and engaged. I am doing the same for others as in just a week, I have had 3 people joined Steemit and coaching them through the process. When readiness meets opportunities, success is inevitable. God wants to bless us but we have to do something. God used the rod in the hands of Moses. What is in your hands and what are you doing that God can bless? We have to think about these things. be continued...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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You hit the spot... Thank again, I am right in this place. I look forward to your future post.

Which part did you enjoy most?

I love learning how Jewish people do not pray for prosperity. How they already know their portion is there and they just need to work for it. That spoke to me! I even told my husband about it.

I am glad you enjoyed it. Thank you.

I am a very active man, it is something that I was taught since I was a child, now that I am an adult I try to generate income for my family and I feel satisfied doing it, I cannot imagine being without doing anything, I would feel frustrated.
Happy day and many blessings for you and your family

That's a wonderful mindset to have. I love it, my friend. 🤗🤗

We have to do everything wisely then God will bless us.But if we invest there where profit is impossible God will not bless us.

We need to do our due diligence too, true.

If we don't do anything and wait for bless of God, its really silliness. God don't help them who are idle.

Absolutely accurate.

Blessing of God is for them who have a deep faith on God. Waiting for part 2.

Part 3, you mean? Thank you.

Great thinking, bless of God,working wisely and hard working this all are must to get success in life.

Yes. We have our parts to play.

We should find the way of success. If we fail to find the right way and try a lot, it will not work.

We should find ourselves doing something worthwhile so God can bless it.

I've so been inspired by this post... My friend introduced me to the blog chain but some how I've not been with him to show me how to post and make comments/reply comments, however I know that I will grow in due time with my dedication and commitment. Thank you once again for sharing your thoughts.

Impressive and welcome. You will enjoy it. Just try and explore while giving meaningful comments. In no time, you will get used to this.

Thank you sir. I will try my very best.


Ride on sir!
God bless you!

Amen and you too.