You Have A Part To Play.

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 


2 Thessalonians 3:10-12 (NIV)

For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”
We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies.
Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat.

As much as I would say it is good to spiritualize everything because the weapon of our warfare is not carnal but mighty to pulling down of strongholds, I would still say there is a place for prayer and there is a place for hard work. There is a place for prayer and also for wisdom. You can't substitute prayer for what requires common sense and vice versa. God is the God of order.

There are laid down rules and there are things that require our own efforts that God Himself wouldn't do for us. Jesus has given instructions to so many in the Bible in order to complete their healings. The one He told to go and wash his face in the river of Siloam after making mud on his face requires the man to take a walk to wash that face. Even at the wedding in Cana, He require them to fill the water pots with water. You always have your part to play if you want to receive your miracle in full and enjoy the best of God.

Most people hide under the fact that they are praying and yet they are not taking steps. You want God to help you, yes, He is willing but what steps are you taking that would make Him use it for His Glory? Don't get me wrong, God can do anything and anyhow. He doesn't even need our human input to bless us but He requires us to at least do something.

It was the rod in the hand of Moses that He used. He could have used anything but still chose to use what was already in his hand. He gave Samson victory with the jawbone he held and fought the Philistines with it. It was the stone in the hand of David that He used to give victory to His people. What do you have in your hand that God can use to His Glory?

You want a job and you are not even applying for it. You want to travel out of the country but you are not following the required guidelines. You are hungry and you are not even cooking nor even making efforts to buy the food. You want a baby, as a married person and yet you are not doing what is expected of couples to do? You are not even adopting either. God promised Abraham and Sarah a child and still in their old age, they did what they were supposed to do. That child didn't fall from Heaven.

Stop complaining about everything and take a step. It is a step that you take that God can order. Pray about everything, yes, but take some steps. Allow God to amplify that step you have taken and deep down you will know that God did it because the result would always be more than the efforts you put in but He wants you to take a step as an act of faith too.

God is ready to help you but how are you helping yourself? Call on God but keep rowing to the shore. God won't do for you what He has already given you wisdom to do. Stop frustrating yourself and let Holy Spirit guide you but you have to be willing.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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God indeed is a God of order and for you to do nothing and expect him to bless is a violation of his own eternal principles and he doesn't do that..thanks for this blessing in a piece

I am glad you enjoyed it. Thanks a lot. Exactly, we have our parts to play.

Siempre lo he dicho, El prometió prosperar lo que tu hagas. Entonces Dios te visita en busca de algo que prosperar pero si no has hecho nada entonces que será lo que Dios prospere?

Exactamente. Si no hemos hecho nuestra parte cuando Él viene a ayudarnos, ¿cómo puede prosperarnos? Gracias por esto.

God is always ready to help us, we have to know how to get help from him.

True and we should do our part.

We have to try and ask God for help from the heart. If we do not try and seek help only from God, then He will not help us.

We should ask for His help and also do our part.

Who doesn't help others, God don't help him.

And who doesn't help himself.