God is With You in Your Troubles

in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 


( Read Acts 6:1-7, Psalm 33 and John 6:16-21)

“The sea became rough because a strong wind was blowing. When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were terrified.” (John 6:18-19)

No matter how bad things turn out for you, never forget the words of Jesus in Matthew 28:20 “I am with you always, to the close of the age.”

As the legendary Christian Musician, Don Moen sang: “God will make a way where there seems to be no way.” God made a way for the apostles when it seemed as though they were going to meet their death on the sea.

By walking on water, Jesus was saying: “I am on top of the situation.”

In our first reading today, a situation arose which seemed to disrupt their communal living. The Hellenists murmured against the Hebrews because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution of food. This was a community that thrived on being Christ-like; yet it seemed that injustice was going to tear it apart just as the storm was threatening the apostles at sea.

Of course, by this time the apostles had learnt their lessons. They were not going to rush into trying to share the food themselves because they knew life was not all about physical effort:

“It is not right that we should neglect the word of God in order to wait on tables. Therefore, friends, select from among yourselves seven men of good standing, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may appoint to this task, while we, for our part, will devote ourselves to prayer and to serving the word.” (Acts 6:2-4)

The apostles would let nothing distract them from their essential calling. They were conscious of Christ’s presence with them that they made prayer and the word their top priority.

Are will still conscious of Jesus’ presence with us today? What value do we place on prayers?

Know this, no matter what your fears may be, never neglect Prayer and Bible Study. You may have to get down to work but no matter how much work you do, never assume you can get busier than God. He knows what you are going through and He is more than capable of rescuing you.

Even in trouble, God is never far from you. Have you prayed? Then relax! Let God defend His Holy Name! May we always find faith to trust in the sustaining power of God. Amen.

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Hmmm! This is my first time seeing this community @onos-steve. Make sense, you can talk about the word of God as you understand it. Good message this morning. Happy Sunday.

Thanks friend and happy Sunday.

Wow...thanks for sharing

God bless you.

Wow this so lovely, most interesting.

Thanks and God bless.