Now that you are saved

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Hello, good evening wonderful steemians, welcome to another precious day God has given to us. You are blessed. @peckypeace.

Let’s consider the definition of salvation-deliverance from the power and effects of sin and it consequences.
Now that you are saved, you have to keep taking the steps to maximize the benefits of your salvation.
Salvation has given us access to God’s eternal and abundant life.

John 10:10 the thief cometh not, but for to kill, steal, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it abundantly.

Jesus came that you might enjoy abundant of life. You have to be careful because Satan is also fighting to make you fall.
Salvation has given us access to be involve in the supernatural.
Salvation has given us access to relate with him as a father.

• What are the steps to maximise the benefits of your salvation.

• Consciously celebrate your new life.

2 Corinthians 5:17-therefore if any man be Christ he is the new creature, old things are passed away.

You are a new man in Christ Jesus. Be conscious of your new life and celebrate joyfully. Your salvation should give you reason to celebrate, do not dwell in the past all those life you were leaving you are no more in that bondage anymore. You are now possessing Christ nature.

Romans 8:1-there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.

The bible says if you accept Jesus Christ as your personal lord and saviour and work according to his commandment you will not be cast away.

• Commune with God daily

Luke 11:2 our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth.

Jesus taught us to talk to God in prayers as our father in heaven. The more you fellowship with God in prayers the more his presence and power rests upon you. God empowers those who pray. The more you commune with God in prayers the more intimate you grow in your relationship with God.

• Claim the blessings of God

Luke16:15 all things that the hath is mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
All that belongs to God belongs to Jesus all that belongs to Jesus belongs to you through salvation. Boldly claim all the blessings of God as yours.

• Continue in church fellowship

Every believer in Christ must attend a living faith church that will make your spiritual life grow. The church you attend determines your fellowship with God. Your fellowship environment affects your spiritual developments.

• Study God’s word

1 peter 2:2 as new born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word thereby.

As new born babies grow by breast milk, new believers needs the milk of God’s word to grow. How you feed determines how you will grow.

God’s word is the spiritual milk and meat that fuels your growth.
• Read your devotional daily.
• Read your bible daily
• Attend weekly activities for a fresh word.
• Go through foundation class
• Read Christians book regularly.

• Communicate the gospel of Christ to others
Share the good news of salvation with others by telling them of your own soul salvation. Sharing the gospel with others makes you grow bold strong in your faith.
The more you preach the gospel to others the more God pours His grace upon your life. God wants to win others to salvation through you.

• Celebrate God’s work through testimonies
Every testimonies you share reproduces more testimonies in your life. Do not allow satan use fear, shyness to block your testimonies.

• Continue to stand for God
Do not let Satan use people to mark you fall. Stand strong in your obedience to God.
Temptation will come, wrong thoughts will try to pull you back. Remember you are a new creature in Christ. So stand strong, knowing God is your strength.

In conclusion, you have been saved and delivered from the power and control of Satan. So therefore stand firm and do not surrender to temptations, discouragement or persecution. God is in Him, with you and for you.

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