in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 


Hello steemians, welcome to another wonderful day God has made us to see. Is by God’s grace that we are alive today. Many have pass away but you are alive breathing precious air, God has given to us. We should have every reason to praise Him. Indeed He is a father. I am @peckypeace.

As the year began and you think over all that has happened in this first quarter of this year, whether your plans has come pass or not , you should find a reason to celebrate and praise God. Whatever may have been your experiences—victories, blessings, losses, disappointments, appointments, failures there is always a reason to praise him.

Sometimes, memories of the unpleasant occurrences blur into your senses of gratitude to God. This things tend to make us forget that being alive is a great miracle for which we should be grateful to God. So, no matter what has being you should fine every reason to tell God thank you. Just believe and have faith in God that whatever is your plans will be accomplished before this year runs out.

There are numerous reasons Christians should praise the Lord. The reason God created us is to worship Him. He declares in

Isaiah 43:21, “This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.

” As God’s people our duty is to celebrate Him. We are of his creation and redemption more so He deserves our praise and worship at all time and in any situation we find ourselves.

Psalms 22:3 declares, “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel [people].

This implies that where praise and worship is offered to him in righteousness, his presence is there.
Also, praise him for the priceless gift of life he has given to us, for accepting to die on the cross just for me and you to be saved. Had it been he did not die for us I don’t know where we would have being. We should have every reason to praise Him for his benevolence love, tender mercies he had shown to us.
Praises and thank given shouldn’t be done when things are going well. Even when you are facing difficulties and challenges. The bible exhorts:

(1 Thessalonians 5:18) “In everything we give thanks to God”.

(Acts 15:24-25), says: Who, having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks. Verse 25 says: And in the midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.

While they were in prison, singing praises, God intervened in their situations. We see what the power of praise can do when we face challenges. Our praises move God to our situation.

Great potentials are embedded in praising God

• Praises please, honour and exalt Him.
• Praising God ushers in His presence.
• Praising God moves His hand to do unforgettable things or wonders.
• Praising God makes you to have victories over your enemies.
• Praising God turns failure into success.
• Praises open doors of favour, blessings.
• Praises turn sorrow into joy.

In conclusion, I urge every one of you to praise God even in the midst of turbulent. When things are not going well in your family, Marriage, business. Give praise to God. Remember, we were created to offer praise to Him. He deserves our praise and worship. That’s all he want from us.
God bless you as you read this post. Amen.
By @peckypeace

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