in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 

From personal experience we all know what we went through when we first became Christians. Some of us were faced with different kinds of opposition or persecutions ranging from those within the family circle to the ones awaiting us in our working place, shops and stores and other places where we have dealing with people outside the Christian group.

Some Christians face more problems than others. Those who live among the Muslim are more often not faced with greater tension than those who have little or nothing to do with them. It seems to be that in Northern Nigeria, Christian are more exposed to suffering than any other part of this country. This assumption may not be true of all-times.


however, no matter whatever comes the way of a growing Christian, he or she accepts discipline and sacrifice as stumbling blocks on the way of a witness. As we all know, we cannot but live without tension between what we are, and what we should be. Almost always, we are faced with one problem or other. But all in all, the tension afford every good Christian an opportunity to grow and to witness for Christ.

Running Towards the Goal
(Philippians 3:12-16)

The experience of Paul here is undoubtedly that of a home stretch. He carefully indicated that he was still very much involved in the race of life. The caution was given because of the spreading influence of the so-called complacent perfectionist within the church at large. That which Paul had not already attained was the experience of complete and final knowledge of his Lord.

But, however, he defines his goal. Perfection here would be full knowledge and perfect conformity. With the words, I press on . . ." Paul appears to be like the athlete or charioteer, who does not waste time looking back but strain every nerve and concentrates even efforts to cross the line or pass the post. Paul counters the idea perfection can be reached here and now. God had a purpose in Paul's conversation, and Paul desired intensely that it might be fully realized in his experience.

Paul, with the use of But one Thing expresses concisely singleness of purpose and concentration of effort. He was no longer satisfied with the past accomplishments of his Christian career which might induce self-satisfaction and slackening of pace. For Paul, past success does not remove the necessity for future striving. The only concern of Paul was reaching maturity. His general idea in short, is that Christian should not deviate from those principles that have brought us safety to our present stage of Christians maturity. The condition for future enlightenment is to walk according to present light.

The Glories of Love
(1john 4:13-21)

The Apostles, here makes an appeal under two arguments. First, that the nature of God is love, and therefore those who are His children should love.
Secondly, that God has manifested His love in Jesus Christ. It is this love of God that causes us to know the indwelling of God, to have boldness in the day of judgment, casts out fear and proves the reality of our profession.

The argument and appeal now issue in the declaration that no man has seen God, but the essence of the unseen God has been revealed in Christ, and is to be revealed through His children. All the glories and perfection of the Son are ours in Him. To every person in actual union with God in Christ, love is possible.

**This, moreover is not a privilege merely; it is a stern duty. The world still waits for the knowledge of God, which can come only through His revelation in the love of his sons. Christians.

LESSON; Love is growth in Christ

We would have many difficulties or getting nowhere at all if we do not know what it means to love. Love is the essence of christianity. No one who hates some other person can ever gain or lead that person to Christ. And as John remarks in epistle, love proves the reality of our profession. I'm other words, our love for others shows the degree or extent of our love for God. No one can truly love God and hate his brothers. It is well with us to remember that it is our love for others that determines our love for God.

Life is Never static. One must go forward or he will go backward. To know Jesus Christ is to live; and to grow in that acquaintance is to grow in the spirit of Our Lord

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We can't as Christians afford to be stunted as a result of denying ourselves spiritual food which is the word of God itself.