in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 

In the Garden Of Eden, when Adam and Eve never sinned, God used to appear to them for fellowship. Since they were then in light and were righteous, we can say that they saw God ( as we see people), walked and talked with him. This belief is confirm by the fact if we become recreated in Christ and made righteous, Jesus will take us to heaven at His second coming to see God, live, walk and talk with Him. In their righteous states, God gave them His word to obey, but they failed the test by disobeying God and choose to obey the talking snake (devil) and were separated from God and driven from the garden.

On the contrary, in spite of their sins which the repented of, Abraham and Moses heard the word of God, obeyed them and have gone down in history as the friends of God - James 2:23 (Jesus confirms we will be His friends, if we do whatever he commands - John 15;14) and the meekest in all the earth ( Jesus confirms the meek shall inherit the earth - Matt.5; 5)

How shall we be fit for heaven without being meek enough to believe and do God's commandments? God though in mercy saved Moses into heaven after he repented but because of unbelief God punished him by denying him entry in to Canaan (Numbers 20;12). How shall God's children of today be free with the unbelief that grips christianity?


Today God speaks to us through His word in the Bible. But what makes Christians refuse to obey and believe his word in the Bible but rather argue, twist, misinterpret and replace his word with human reasoning and follow their senses while still being confident that they will goto heaven?

It's the snake talk achieving in them what he achieved in Eve. While probation still last, let every Christian aspiring to go heaven know that if he does not repent or all his sins, relieve Jesus' salvation that will renew his heart and cause him to accept Jesus as saviour and Lord of his life that he can't disobey, and that he lives by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God, (Matt 4:4), keeps all his commandments ( Matt 28:20) as a result of having received salvation, and be found without spot or Sin, blameless and without blemish, he cannot see and enter the Kingdom of God.

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