Good morning church, I'll like to say I am happy to be in church today I want to share something God showed me today in church about Noah.
Isn't it important that most times we sit down and think or perhaps study about the life, times and journey of the patriarchs of this faith we are pursuing?
I have been reading the book of Hebrews 11 and it's obvious that is one of my favorites scriptures because it reminds me often of the exploit of faith and anytime I am in doubt of the things God will perform in my life, I quickly remember those patriarchs and how they got fulfilments to the promises of God over their lives even before the revelation of Christ who in Him the fullness of the God head dwells bodily.
Hebrews 11:7 reveals a powerful force that made Noah built an ark when God instructed him about the coming flood.
Heb.11.7 - By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household, by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith.
Permit me to take a little time to do some exergecies to this verse of the scripture and we will base our emphasis on "Moved with godly fear" and the original KJV renders it thus "Moved with fear" so do we say that Noah was afraid of the flood? No.. Noah wasn't.
The greatest asset of a young man who puts his trust in the Lord has is the fear of God. It is highly impossible to please God if a man doesn't have the fear of God in his heart. Now a lot of persons have misconceptualise the fear of God to being afraid of God. What I am talking about is having the kind of fear in your hearts that constrains a man from evil and makes him fear God.
If we don't fix our minds on God, it will be difficult to fear God and even have faith in his promises.
Until the fear of God resides in our hearts, we might not take any delight in obeying the word of God. Just incase you think there is no gain in obeying God, ask Noah..... Noah got his family saved because of his faith.
Someone would have thought that Noah was a weakling because bible said he fear.... No the truth actually is that Noah had reference for God. Noah had this love for God in his heart determine his immediate response to God.
Just incase you think that there's nothing to gain in acting promptly to the instructions of God, you might as well ask King Saul what happened after that he disobeyed the instructions of God.
You see just as it was in the generation of Noah, the same will be the case in our time. Men have become too engross in self so much that they can't even pay attention to when God is speaking to them. Now we only express faith when we are in need and we have even gone far enough to perverting the order of faith. We don't know faith to the point of perfecting our walk with God, we only build faith for the things we will get.
By faith Noah and his family were saved. Quickly I will like to add that there was love in Noah's heart that extended to humanity as well. Noah knew the integrity of God. Noah knew that there is no distinct difference between God and His word meaning if He says a thing, He will do it and Noah having this consciousness moved even unto the saving of himself and his family.