in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 


Eschatology – a synopsis
Biblical prophetic writings are unequivocal about the fact that Jesus Christ will return to take over the governance of planet earth with HQ in Jerusalem. In opposition to this, the nations will inadvertently be embroiled in the controversy of Zion (Jerusalem) which is our present political situation.

The elements of the environment, namely, geological, oceanic and meteorological will lend their signals to the fact that this age is drawing to a close. This is their signature tune to this imminent change in the governance of the earth, “for the government shall be upon his shoulders”

The European Union, (which is the only group that has significant direct geo-ethnic ties with the old Roman Empire) will be emerging as the most powerful world economy that will progressively and subsequently hold the economies of other nations not only to ransom but to near slavery. From this same group will emerge an intelligent, diplomatic and economic wizard to whom the EU will inadvertently relinquish much of her decision-making process.

The global village concept will have been firmly rooted as we can see from the current trend of economic globalisation.

The boiling over of the controversy of Jerusalem will be climaxed by a coalition of nations springing a surprise military offensive in the hope to subdue and decimate Israel. At about this period, Israel, perceived to be ‘annoyingly’ intransigent to the wishes of the nations over Jerusalem, will have few friends in the UN.

The scale of the air assault will be unprecedented. Israel would not be able to respond. In order to keep faith with the Abrahamic covenant, meteorological elements will supernaturally come to Israel’s aid and vanquish those armies. Scripture is detailed enough to state that the weapons from the invading Army will require seven years to smelt. It will take at least another 7 months to biologically purge and sanitize the land. A very important ‘landmark’ to this is that the biblical prophecy specifically mentions the Key countries in the coalition. It is important to note this.

Consequent upon this or a similar world-peace-threatening circumstance, the diplomatic and economic wizard, possessing an international “Mr fix it” ability will ratify an already existing agreement and broker a 7-year interim peace treaty to the apparent satisfaction of most of the nations. The nations hail him AS A PEACE BROKER. This is the period of a counterfeit peace.

This man is the Daniel Chapter 9 “prince that shall come”._ “And he will confirm the covenant with many for “one week” (seven years) and in the middle of the “week”_ (31/2 years) he will rubbish the treaty or covenant.” and sacrilegiously offend the Jewish faith. This is no doubt he that is aptly titled “the little horn” in book of Daniel, “the man of sin and son of perdition” in Thessalonians and “the beast” in book of Revelation, This is indeed the antichrist. There is no need speculating on him as; “by his fruit” we shall know him.

While these are the political developments, on the other hand and paralleling it will be the emergence of some ecumenical church grouping, headed of course by the “mother of harlots” (The EU will need religious guidance and will naturally choose that with which she is comfortable.”). Recall that on 1st May 2004 EU was enlarged to 400 million ( and set to grow further), on the 2nd of May 2004 the Pope reminded Europe to remember her “Christian” roots; did he actually mean Christian or Catholic roots?)

What is obvious is that most religious organisations that covet “power over people” will be affiliated to this form of ‘Christianity’ and they will progressively be roaming towards Rome.

As all chicks return to roost when darkness falls, so will the children of “the mother of harlots”. This is part of the mystery of iniquity. It is noteworthy that the book of Revelation used the term “Mother of harlots” thus implying that there are others practising spiritual harlotry to which she is only the mother.

Conversely, the glorious church will be emerging through trials and tribulation, which will aid to slim her down to a healthy size, an active army, loyal and obedient to her Commander-in-Chief. The fire of tribulation and purification as reflected by Malachi the prophet gives us a clear highlight. Daniel and more so the book of Revelation also took pains to give details of the martyrdom directed towards her. Jesus gave an elaborate teaching on this in Mathew chapter 10.

All these will contribute towards shaping a church without spot or wrinkles ready for the wedding. The glorious church with the glory of the latter house that surpasses the glory of the former, will have been formed and endued with both “former” and “latter” rain anointing to be overcomers.

To talk of surviving or coping with the tribulation situation will be an insult to divine strategy – Overcome is the biblical watchword and the last enemy to be overcome is death “and they loved not their lives unto death”-
Rev 12 will become a prominent scripture for the glorious church.


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