The gospel of GRACE is a powerful one. It is one of the most significant, and liberating message ever given to the human race.
Our lives as Christians is established on the foundation of this wonderful truth. The truth that without grace, salvation is impossible.
We need to be weary of preachers who distort the message of grace. They constantly twist what the Bible says about Grace and empower many to confidently continue in sinful activities without feeling any need to repent.
Their emphasis is on God's excess love for us which compels him to forgive our sins but not on repentance leading to forgiveness. They also emphasize on God's blessings but no reference to obedience.
Grace is available to us as a gift the moment Jesus finished work on the grace but the Bible does not encourage us to keep walking in sin that grace should abound.
There is no such thing as loving Jesus without seeking to obey His Word. If you hear a teaching on grace that doesn’t call you to deny ungodliness, it’s not a biblical grace message my friends. Such message has been distorted.
*Joseph Gen 50:20
*Noah whom God said he found grace at his sight Gen 6:8
*Israelites who constantly disobeyed God Judges 10:16
*Rehab who was an harlot Joshua 2:11b
*David who sinned but God still made him a man after God's heart ps 51:1
We must earnestly contend for the truth about grace for the sake of our youths and the generations unborn.
Thank God for the Holy Spirit who constantly highlights all these misconceptions about biblical grace message. We must therefore make the Bible our bestfriend if we don't want anyone leading us astray in this Christian race.
Rejoice, for grace has found you too!