Do people love god or fear god?

in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 


The natural fear of falling down. This has been inside our minds since childhood.

Shakti / Gravity continues to press towards the center / depth / completely / Shiva.

Therefore, God, the deep Shiva looks like the fear of God. For us, it is our death, our fall into the full truth / Shiva.

But apart from this center / depth, there is a world of karmas / actions / Narayana / Krishna.

This is a related country. This is a beautiful country.

This is a world where relationships / love / hate / fights with all kinds of karmas take place.

The greatest teacher of Love / Relationships / Karma is only Krishna / Narayana.

There is no karma in the end / deep / center / Shiva / Death.

People who believe in one God, actually worship Shiva and do not understand Krishna / Narayana. That's why they don't know Thando and they keep fighting and keep fighting most of the time. You can see the Islamic world. There is a worship of Shiva in another name called Allah. But they do not understand Krishna. So there is a bad karma that often goes wrong and they believe in an afterlife called Jannat. This is not the case.

Death is the ultimate truth. This is a meeting with Shiva. This is the last resort. There is no karma at this point.

Mediation is the only way to reveal the truth of Shiva / Absolute, in this living life.

In other words,

Your eyes are between Shiva and Narayana.

You will find Shiva inside.

You will find Narayana outside.

Everything exists between these two references and one institution (namely you).

The God of Love is Krishna / Vishnu.

The God of Fear is the truth of Shiva / Absolute.

When someone shakes the whole truth or shakes the institution, Shiva presents himself as a destroyer. This is a state of bad karma / no karma and no Vishnu / Krishna.

Infinity turns to 0.

There is no karma / death that causes the new birth.

This is a loop.

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Which do you refer to?

I love god