Why did Jesus say you will love the Lord God with all your heart and soul and mind? Why the mind?

in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 


That love of God, if you can reconnect with it, takes you back to where you came from: unconditional love that you came out of as a child’s knowledge and returned to it inevitably to death.

The problem is that between birth and death we live in a state of disarray, and we have lost contact with the love that is our real nature. Since you were born, people around you have told you that there are many endless things that matter - school, exams, work, entertainment, friends, family, lover, children, life insurance policies….

The problem with this is that when you say anything important you mean that you need to put some of your (your strength) into achieving it… Wanting, trusting, trying, succeeding, failing… You don't put your whole body in anything. You only have a middle heart and your strengths are different. Even with the best of intentions, you do not always have a perfect heart. And this way of life is so uncommon that you don't realize it, you don't see it, you don't know it any other way…

Even though there is something you are doing. Something you remember… there is a deeper truth… there is something missing… something you forgot to remember…

But you put such thoughts in the back of your mind, aren't you?

Only when you have had enough of this way of life and thinking, do you begin to see that you are not going anywhere, when something really important is missing from your life, when you begin to go inside, ask why you are living, and the opportunity to reconnect

And what kind of love does that call for? It is the love that Jesus spoke of: Love for one another, there is no cause for all, peace and tranquility that comes from when your consciousness came from when you were two years old, and it will return to it.

When you finally die - when all hope of frustration is gone - you will suddenly remember the love you left behind all those years ago, and return to it willingly and with unimaginable gratitude. But at that moment the words of Jesus will be unnecessary to you because you will be covered by the living truth of what you forgot while you were alive.

The challenge, and the point of Jesus' words, is to find that love of God in you now, while you are still alive. This can be done by repeatedly seeing your death. By seeing that everything you love will be taken from you. And seeing that even though this is inevitable, you still love it. That love that goes beyond losing and dying, is the Love of God. This is your undying love. It contains no doubt, no effort, no effort, no planning, no distraction, for he knows that there is no death, and he is one with God. When you connect with this love you will cry with gratitude, and know that you will die voluntarily when the time comes. In this moment you will know yourself and know God. For God's love is your love for God, and God's love for you. This union.

And the mind? What about the mind?

The mind will read these words, and think of something else, or anything else to avoid confronting the ugly, unique truth they point to; it will tempt you to return to the distractions of life, and you will lose contact with this powerful reality. But if you hear any truth in it, then something in you (something behind the mind) will be a little cautious. And then one day, when you are healthy enough and you have lost enough, the question will come to you again, and you will have the opportunity to see the truth of Jesus' words again.

For many are asking, but few are hearing.

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