A Change in Seconds

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 

life can change us in a matter of seconds and whoever does not believe this can have a very unpleasant experience, in a moment you can go on a trip in a car singing very happy songs and in a second you can lose your life in an accident, right now you can carry a big diamond in your hands and in a second a thief will rip it out of you.



But not everything that happens in a second can be tragic or bad things, also in a second we can experience situations that transform our lives and in the blink of an eye, our existence can take a new direction, experience a 180 degree turn. that marks a before and an after.

Take a look at the story of Zacchaeus in the book of Luke chapter 19, when Jesus was passing through Jericho, a tax collector named Zacchaeus met Him. Many people hated Zacchaeus for his occupation, however, Jesus decides to go to his house.

In an encounter with Jesus, Zacchaeus was transformed, he was touched, and he said that he would give half of his goods to the poor and to the one who had defrauded him he would return four times as much.

Then Jesus told him that salvation had come to his home that day. In a second change, the life of Zacchaeus, the life of the poor who would receive those goods, or the life of those who had been taken away and will now have much more than what they lost. Jesus can transform everything, so no matter what the situation is, everything can always change in our favor.

When you need to let God act and we change that same way of acting always, then God will work miracles in us. When you want with all your being to leave your way of living and start over, then it is when we let God enter, it is when He does something special in us and we will see with our eyes a new life manifest in us.

Let us ask God to help us change every day, to accompany us on that journey, that those seconds of change become real in us and that we are forever transformed.

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Asi es hermano muy buena reflexión, ¿sabe una hermano? Una hermana miembro de la iglesia, con lloro nos anuncia la muerte de su sobrina, y lo triste y trágico es que no acepto al señor; Y lo otro es que ella venía de otro país a buscar a su madre, se tomó fotos ante de subir al autobús donde viajaría, y ante de arrancar el carro la bajaron y la acostaron en el pavimento en caja de cartón. Para luego anuncia que la joven avía muerto, fue tan repentino, lo que sucedio.