There is a very great rejection in our society for those people who for us are not suitable, however Jesus used to be next to the people that religion and society rejected.
But the reason why there cannot be a true change is because we have lost the sensitivity, yes, that which makes us understand the need of the people. We need to feel that same passion and love that Jesus felt for the lost.
Why sometimes we have difficulty getting close to people, to tell them about the gospel? The reason is the way we do it, people in the place of wanting to hear scolding, or how you judge them, want to hear a word of encouragement, comfort, love, that they can feel a hug from God through you .
The solution is not to alienate those who consider that they are lost but rather to reach out to them to make them understand that their lives can be different if they seek the presence of God.
So if we want to recover from our society, the first thing we must do is go in search of those who need us the most, exclude them, help them discover the potential that exists in them, arm them as Jesus did when he was on earth, that he did not care how much he was criticized, nor what others think, all he wanted was to show them that they too had a Father whose greatest desire was to save them and lead them to a new life.
Each one of us is able to contribute, however small it may seem, to contribute so that every day we are a better society, a lover of God and his statutes.
In whatever way we can, let us be God's instruments to accomplish his purpose on earth.