our enemy is not coming to fight us and leave us alive, the bible says in the book of John 10: 10 that the devil cameth not, but to steal, kill and destroy, but i am come to give you life and in abundance,
Th primary assignment of the devil is to render as many who are ready to give room for him through their ignorance. ignorance simply means the ability to know the right thing to do and yet you are leaving the right things for wrong things.
Jesus understood this fact and so by the plan of the one who desire our salvation send him as a sacrificial lamb to blot out the sin of the world that as many who will accept him and his principles of living will have eternal life promised. john 3:15.
As a child of God, we are not to be ignorance of devils devices about the fight to get our place of dominion. The devil truly understood what it means to be in authority which is the mandate of the believers.
The Devil knows that we are Royal priesthood a holy nation design to show forth the praises of him who call us into His marvelous light so he will not relent effort in fight us till our authority is bring to dust. 1st peter 2:9.
Gather your strength oh ye people, sit up to your responsibility stop giving room anymore to the devil and stop running away from him rather stand your ground, request of the Lord the wisdom for defense.
For the battle is not ours but of the Lord, and until we call the attention of Him, he cannot honour and come down for our rescue.
I pray that God will empower us daily to stand our ground in this great battle weighing strongly to frustrate the saint in the name of Jesus. Amen