in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 

One dictionary defines pride as a sense of dignity and self-respect and a feelings of satisfaction which you have because you or people close to you have done something good or possess something good.
Is there anything wrong with that?
The answer is NO, because at 2Thess 1:4, there the Apostle Paul told the Thassolonians; “We ourselves take pride in you among the congregations of God because of your faith in all your persecutions and the hardship that you are suffering”. Therefore, feeling good about the works of others and even having a degree of pride in ourselves can be healthy.
We are not expected to be ashamed of our family, culture, or the region where we grew up.

But how will you describe a proud person:

  1. Who do everything for show
  2. Who take the best Seat
  3. Who always wear the biggest tassels
  4. Who always demands respect when they walk around.

This is called improper pride!
This type of pride is defined as inordinate, self-esteem or haughty attitude shown by people who believe, often unjustifiably, that they better than others.

Please, bring out your Bible lets see some Biblical illustrations of those who fell victim to improper pride.
First, let’s read Ex.5:12

Lets also see what is recorded at 2Sam 15:4-6
Pride also played a role in the downfall of Cain. He was counselled by God himself but was too proud to accept correction. He stubbornly ignored Jehovah’s admonition and rushed headlong into disaster.

From the Biblical illustration of Absolom, Nimrod and Cain, improper pride can eat away our relationship and damage our friendship with Jehovah.

May we never follow their path

Mon, March 29, 2021

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