in hive-108514 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Our sins and weaknesses are never so great that he does not have the power to heal them. Oh how this must rejoice our souls and revive our fallen spirits in all our struggles and conflicts with sin and Satan.


In a fallen world where evil and tears abound, God comforts us with unspeakable groans. Today I received the news of the death of a colleague and so on a daily basis, my heart saddens but only God gives us that consolation of the soul.

"And therefore those who are afflicted according to the will of God, entrust their souls to him, as a faithful Creator, doing good." (1 Peter 4:19)

When we are frightened by his majesty and his justice and other attributes, let us think of his mercy and his truth. She has clothed herself in faithfulness, as the psalmist says.

In the midst of the infidelity of the men you trust, depend on this: that God remains the same and will never deceive you.

God is good and his mercy is forever, as I ask him from my heart to heal the earth, to help and comfort those who are going through pain and the loss of loved ones, thank you my lord because I know you are listening to the pleas of a simple heart.

We all go through times of mourning and sadness. It is not bad nor is it a sin to feel sad and cry. Jesus also wept when he was told that Lazarus, one of his friends, had died (John 11:35). It is important and necessary to express what we feel in moments of sadness.

Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, merciful Father and God of all consolation, who consoles us in all our tribulations so that, with the same consolation that we have received from God, we too can comfort all those who suffer.
(2 Corinthians 1: 3-4).

However, we must not allow sadness and mourning to take over our lives. If we give him the opportunity, God will wipe away our tears, comfort our hearts, and put a smile on our lips again.


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First of all, Paul says that God is a Father of mercy. That is to say, God is not a mean and cruel God. God is a God who looks with compassion on his children. How many of us have not thought ill of God when we go through some tribulation? We say: Why, if God is good and loves me, does He allow me to live these things?

However, even in the bad times we go through, this is still true. God is always merciful, because he never changes. So even in afflictions God continues to show us his mercy. Furthermore, these afflictions are a sample of God's Fatherly love for us. Whom God loves, He disciplines (Hebrews 12: 6).

Sorry for the loss,the beauty in ashes are revealed by God.. thanks for finding strength to encourage us even in this dark season of yours

El mundo en el que vivimos esta sufriendo mucho, ver como fallecen nuestros seres queridos se esta volviendo algo cotidiano. Pero nuestras fuerzas provienen de Dios a quien clamamos y tiene el poder para revertir esta situación. Lamento tu perdida, espero que haya partido en el Señor pues así obtenemos consuelo.

el dolor que sentimos no tiene aparente consuelo al principio pero El Señor ha prometido consolarnos en medio del dolor con la finalidad de que puedas.clnsolar a otros con el.consuelo con que eres ahora consolado.