in hive-108514 •  5 years ago  (edited)

In life many of us have ever made bad decisions that can really bring us bad consequences because the wrong decisions bring problems because we have no control over the consequences that these can bring us.

Making decisions is not an art, it is a very inherent act to the human being, some simple but others very complex where we need to have conviction and self-confidence.


It is important to note that everyone in life makes mistakes and makes mistakes, but going through life making wrong decisions is really going to have an effect and certainly a negative effect on someone who is constantly making bad decisions.

I know many people who make bad decisions over and over again until they become a lifestyle but as the saying goes "everything has its limit" for example couples where one of them chooses to make incorrect decisions and the day comes that they can no longer be followed enduring and the other explodes in anger because it reaches the limit of the patience of the person who has long been tolerating those wrong situations that have brought physical, economic and spiritual marriage ruin to their lives.

Making decisions is not just about making them. Making decisions on the steps we intend to take must be put in the balance.
We must somehow prevent the future looking forward everything has points for and points against.

It is important that when we are not sure of the steps to be followed in making decisions, we listen to advice and put our ear to the advice of the wise.

"When advice is lacking, plans fail; when advice abounds, they prosper."


In this order of ideas, advice is an option to broaden our perspective about the decision we want to make and find the right one. It is for this reason that King Solomon describes the importance of hearing advice and seeking it at times whenever it is necessary before making important decisions for you and your family or in any work or business situation.

Also an oriental proverb says that in the multitude of advisers there is good and there are in our days so full of selfishness and competition someone who wants to be another's adviser or there are those others who want to be advised.
We need to be oriented and listen to wise advice so that we can make the right decisions at the right time.
My friend, why don't you deal with God because you don't ask him to be your counselor? the bible says that all things work together for the good of those who love God.

"We know that God arranges all things for the good of those who love him, whom he has called according to his purpose."

God can turn a bad decision in your life into a blessing God is a specialist in advising and directing us in any embarrassing situation because it is not easy to make correct decisions when we do not have God's direction.
If today you feel overwhelmed sad and only because of your bad decisions, I want to tell you not to fear and get up, raise your eyes and look at God who is capable of lifting the fallen person from a bad decision and giving him victory in the future

He knows how to turn mistakes into success, problems into solutions, crises into blessings, he makes everything waste something new, he can recycle the garbage of life and turn it into something beautiful and new. All you have to do is be and take your life. and put it by faith in the hands of christ he specializes in doing all the new things there is no business marriage problem above all life that he cannot save stop looking where there is no Jesus Christ is the total answer to all the problems of the human being make it your savior and lord and the business of your life and your family.

In the Bible we find many characters who made bad decisions but then were raised by God and corrected for good because later they achieved great things because they were directed by God and later became historical figures, examples of faith and perseverance according to the plan of God.
God has beautiful plans for each person who approaches him, all we have to do is seek his direction and advice to find his grace and mercy.

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He knows how to turn mistakes into success, problems into solutions

Very encouraging