Sometimes it is necessary to go through adversities in order to reach the purpose that God has for our life and in some situations even if we do not understand facts that God allows in our time and in our life we must trust and know that victory is not in questioning God but in rather in trusting Him.
I confess to you that if something strikes me in the Bible is the faith professed by a man named Abraham, let us remember that Abraham is known as the father of faith so all of us who really search the scriptures get to know him every time I read history Of Abraham I am intimidated by the faith of this man but perhaps we could think that Abraham did not fight with him and if he fought for what the Bible describes us that God had to tell him seven times the promise about the son that he was going to give him in his old age and although he laughed at the promise in the end he believed God and the Bible says that justice was done.
In this sense Abraham believed although at the beginning he questioned God because of his age but he overcame and embraced the faith and was able to look at the promise. Later we see an Abraham strengthened in faith when God asks him to sacrifice the son that he gave him in his old age and through the promise because I consider that at that time Abraham did not seek logic, he did not think about his pain but obeyed although I am sure that He did not understand what God was asking him because inside he would think "but if he gave it to me in my old age as a promise, how is it that now he is going to take it away from me?
Abraham went out with his son to the sacrifice, perhaps with a small and wounded heart, but deep inside I am sure that Abraham was strengthened in faith and peace in his heart. You know why? because Isaias clarifies the following:
Isaiah 26: 3
3 You will keep in complete peace the one whose thought in you perseveres; because he has trusted in you.
The peace of God is not a passing thing and for a while no, the peace of God passes all understanding because God Himself has shown us through His word that the sufferings that we may have here on earth are not compared to the glory that has been to reveal in us.
Romans 8.18–21
18 In fact, I consider that current sufferings are in no way compared to the glory that will be revealed in us. 19 Creation anxiously awaits the revelation of the children of God, 20 because it was subjected to frustration. This did not happen by his own will, but by that of the one who so arranged. But there remains the firm hope 21 that creation itself must be freed from the corruption that enslaves it, in order to achieve the glorious freedom of the children of God.
(New International Version)
The important thing is to believe God regardless of the circumstances lived, God is our consolation in the midst of this pandemic that we live today we are not alone He comforts us and gives us his peace in the midst of so much uncertainty.