"However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life." (1 Timothy 1:16)
Paul saw His salvation as a pattern of God’s patience towards sinners. If God could forgive a persecutor of the Church, such as Paul, He can forgive any sinner who comes to Him.
Considering the attitude of the early church to Paul’s salvation, it is obvious that they did not see him as one that God would love. He wreaked so much havoc against the early followers of Christ. So intense was his hatred for the Church that he sought special permission to hunt them down outside Jerusalem.
How could God save such an enemy of the Church? How would we have prayed about Paul’s harassment if we were part of the early Church? Most of us would have prayed for God’s judgment on him – a sudden calamity to end his life. Maybe that was how the early church prayed against Paul. Yet, God, in His infinite mercy, chose not to answer the prayers of the Church as they wished. He chose to show compassion to Paul instead of pouring fire and brimstone on him.
The same God who was longsuffering towards Paul, continues to be merciful to sinners. God does not desire the death of the sinner in his sin. He desires that all people come to repentance and salvation in Christ.
God uses the salvation of those we consider as the most evil to show the extent of His love and grace. Think of some of the people who blaspheme the name of the Lord and hate everything Christian or related to the Church. Can you imagine what it would be for those people to experience the grace of God unto Salvation? What a testimony it would be! Why don’t you commit to pray for such people? They may be in your family, office or community. They could be people you know in the media. Pray that they will experience what the Apostle Paul experienced on the road to Damascus.