in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 

And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted.” (Mark 16: 5)

When the women who went to anoint Jesus’ body got into the sepulcher, they saw a young man (an angel) sitting on the right side who told them that Jesus was risen. They got there, and the great stone was already rolled away. They got there, and they were shown where Jesus was previously laid; they got there, and they got more than enough evidence to show that Jesus had risen. Simply put, their trip was rewarded with divine evidence.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: in this season, God will grant you divine evidence that will terminate every argument. God will show you a token for good that will embarrass those who thought that God has forgotten you; God will give you major signs that your story has changed for good; God will give you major miracles that will herald a new season in your life; God will give you major reasons to be congratulated.

Those women stepped into the sepulcher, and they came out with divine evidence. Where they went into was not so good, but the evidence they came out with was super. Hear me as I hear the Lord: you may be in the ‘sepulcher’ now but you will come forth with mega evidence. Your circumstances may be bad at the moment, but you will come forth as gold; your challenges may have boxed you in, but your divine evidence shall overflow.

When God gives you divine evidence, it terminates every argument. When God gives you divine evidence, even those who laughed at you will have no option but to laugh and celebrate with you; when God gives you divine evidence, your story will change so much that those who once knew your struggles will be so amazed to see that your story has indeed changed.

Receive your divine evidence from the Lord. Receive double for your shame; receive light for every darkness that stretched longer than it should. Receive divine evidence that terminates every argument.

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