in hive-108514 •  4 years ago 


Galatians 5:1 KJV
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."

Bondage is a state of lack of liberty or freedom. It is a state of entanglement.

Many are living their lives in bondage even though the Almighty God, created them, and gave them freedom. The reason many are living in bondage is because of SIN and the kind of things they have put their hands into. The devil, like I have always said have no free gift, when he gives you anything, you are loosing more than a thousand things, including your freedom. Those who patronize the secret cults and shrines for one reason or another can attest to this. Of what use is making money and wealth through evil means when you cannot walk freely, or live your life peacefully? Is that not foolishness? Or may be the devil gives you a condition that you will have everything you need, but your life span will be shortened? No wonder many young people die suddenly these days, while many have lost their mental stability, walking on the streets as mad boys and girls. The devil will keep those who go to him for anything in perpetual bondage.

I tell you a story. Growing up as a teenage boy in my village, I lived with an Uncle who was a very famous Herbalist (JuJu Priest). People traveled from different parts of Nigeria, to consult in his shrine and obtained all kinds of concoctions or Charms. There were so many things my Uncle must not eat, touch or do, he had no liberty, in fact, he lived all his life in bondage to the devil. He sent his two wives packing, and he had no siblings. It came to a time that he had no one living with him, and it appeared as if his power as a native Doctor had waned. The devil took his life when he was done with my Uncle. He died inside his shrine and no one knew until his corpse started decomposing, which attracted neighbors to broke into the shrine and found his decomposing corpse. The devil is indeed wicked!

Christ Jesus came to redeem us from the bondage of SIN and that of the devil. To as many as have received Him as their Lord and Savior, He gave freedom, to live their lives peacefully, and to the fullest. You move freely, eat what you love to eat and when you want to eat it, you are at liberty to sleep when you want to sleep, and peacefully too. The Lord Jesus has also procured for His children, divine health and fullness of life, His children are not permitted to die suddenly or prematurely. And many more wonderful blessings and benefits the Lord has procured for His children with His own precious Blood on the Cross of Calvary.

As you go through this message, ask yourself if you are enjoying freedom, or living your life in bondage?

If you have not surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Savior, my friend, you are living in BONDAGE! Until Jesus sets you free, you are not free at all, it doesn't matter how wealthy you may be, your educational qualifications, your political status or your position in society. If you want real freedom, come to Jesus Christ now. Confess and repent of your sins. Invite Him into your heart as your Lord and Savior, and you shall be saved. Your names shall be written in the Lamb's Book of Life as a Candidate for His Kingdom. Identify with a Bible believing Church, and be in regular fellowship with other Christians to grow your faith, and to prepare you for the Lord's return.

If you were a born again child of God, but have backslide, or have entangled yourself with the affairs of this dying world, you can repent like the Prodigal son, and come back to the Lord. He will receive you to Himself, and restore to you the liberty you lost as a result of your backsliding.

I pray that the Almighty God, accept and grant total freedom to as many who will turn away from their SINS and WICKED WAYS from today, to Himself, in Jesus Mighty Name, AMEN!!!

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