Gracias a Dios por el magnífico día que nos ofrece, para escribir palabras que impartan poder y vida espiritual para todos en esta comunidad.
Es tan grande la fidelidad de Dios, hacia nosotros sus hijos, mayor aun cuando pasamos por grandes dificultades, que en oportunidades sentimos que estamos solos, pero no es así su amistad es tan fuerte que acepta a todos como son, con todas sus debilidades, imperfecciones, y necesidades, por eso la amistad con Dios es única, debemos cultivarla y cuidarla todos los días.

Thank God for the magnificent day He offers us, to describe words that impart power and spiritual life to all in this community.
God's fidelity towards us his children is so great, even greater when we go through great difficulties, that sometimes we feel that we are alone, but it is not like that his friendship is so strong that he accepts everyone as they are, with all their weaknesses, imperfections, and needs, that is why friendship with God is unique, we must cultivate it and take care of it every day.