Today's scripture – A heart of gratitude is what he needs

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 


Psalm 28 verse 7


When we wake up in the morning and see ourselves being hyperactive, moving from one place to the other and taking on tasks upon tasks, we sometimes assume the strength is derived from food and probably the energy drink we took. But come on, there are people whose bones are weak and they can't do the things they would want to do. It's not because they didn't eat or drink that energy drink you drank.

There are many little things that matter so much but we ignore and take for granted. Let me give you another instance. Have you ever witnessed a scenario or heard about it that a stray bullet met and killed someone right in the person's house or on the street as he or she was going about his normal business? These are things that happen frequently and it's not because they were careless.

So when you wake up everyday and see yourself alive and healthy, it's something to be grateful for. Now you know why David in Psalms chapter 28 verse 7A said that the Lord is his strength and his shield. He knew that it's neither by human strength nor the precautions we take that we are alive, sound and healthy. He also acknowledged the fact that except God protects, the devil would always have his way.

Today we affirm David's views. I have trusted in God and I've never been disappointed. God in his infinite mercies is always there to bestow on us his grace. And this grace is the reason we were not destroyed. It is the same grace that makes you different from others. It's the grace that gives you the ability to make wealth.

The only thing God wants from us is a grateful heart. So when you wake up in the morning, no matter how tight your schedule might be, just find time and acknowledge the source of your strength. Thanksgiving is all that is needed from us.

David said in that same psalm that with songs will he praise God. So learn the habit of praise today. Songs of praise is what God wants to get from us. God bless you as you put to practice the life of gratitude today in Jesus name.. Amen!

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