You might have correctly guessed that am not married yet, and probably asked "what could I possibly talk regarding an inexperienced journey. Whatever thoughts that follow Is correct except for the fact that "Marriage has little to do with experience and more with God". On this regard, Paul who was unmarried gave one of the best teachings on love and I shall rely on God to say something to someone out there that may change the situation around their homes for better.
Genesis 2:24- therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh
Oneness in Marriage"
At creation God did not see the first man and woman as two distinct individuals but one. " the likeness of God made he him; male and female created he them; and blessed them and called their name Adam,in the day when they were created-Genesis 5:1-2. He called them Adam, He did not call them Adam and Eve but Adam, and not God chose to call the wife Eve.
"And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living-Genesis 3:20". This transition of name took place only after the fall of man, when he loosed focus on God's purpose on everything. GOD did nothing to reverse this change because He has given men Dominion over all things. So when Adam decided to make a change in his wife's name from Adam to Eve, there laid the foundation for division. So, if husband and wife must enjoy the beauty of marriage, they must be willing to go back to the pre-fall era, running their marriage in God's predestined plan.
Oneness that God demand is much deeper and stronger than the superficial Mr and Mrs. Syndrome we have today.its more than a man and a woman answering thesame name. To understand oneness, we need understand the relationship between the father and Jesus. He told the Jews "I and my father are one" John 10:30. Jesus told Philip He that hath seen me hath seen the father and how sayest thou, then shew us the father"
He told Philip he was reflection of the Father. In other words, he was speaking the mind of the Father and doing the deed of the Father. That's an example of oneness.
In marriage, oneness is the husband and wife reasoning alike and saying thesame thing in an issue, it means seeing things from thesame perspective.
The question that readily comes to mind is the practicability of husband and wife being one the way Jesus and the father are one, can husband and wife say they are one in real sense of it?. The answer goes this way, it will only determine what our homes end up becoming but also how much we as couples will be willing to put into our marriages. What you cannot believe in , you may not be able to obtain or enjoy.
The growth of oneness in marriage demands a continuous sowing of the seed of oneness. The two shall becomes one. The Bible says. The beauty of marriage can only be realised when husband and wife work as a team. Without unity , no home can achieve God's purpose for creating marriage.
Oneness in marriage leads to greater output "Two are better than one; because they have a good reward or their labour" . So the strength of a family is not necessarily the resources available to them but their level of oneness.