I remember those days when I was going down spiritually,
My fire was seriously going down .
I used to pray at least one hour a day but the reverse was the case..
I knew the glory was departing.. But
People were seeing me as a fireful brother,
My friends were calling me powerful evangelist
Others were calling me papa,
But right inside of me, I was struggling
I know I needed restoration..
But then I was still with my tongues,
Go for our prayer Meetings and preaching engagements.
And God will still use me mightly...
But I noticed something, spiritually and physically there was no growth.
I remained at that particular level..
Until God purged me..
I started progressing in my walk with Him.
The reason why Babylon is calling your name is because they want you to be destroyed along with them.
Sodom is not looking for you because you're handsome or beautiful,
But because there's a seed in you which they want to eat up...
Why those occultic men are looking for you is because there's something they have seen about you that you have not seen.
There's something satan and his cohorts has seen about you that you yourself have not seen,
Satan can't fight your prayer life when it's not limiting him...
Why You're finding it difficult to get that job is
because he knows that many will rise at your rising,
There are many birds hanging around which are interested in the seed in you.
Birds comes after a tree with fruit not unfruitful ones..
Man of God, The Pharisees and sadducces will recruit men to pull you down in ministry,
Not because you're a handsome or beautiful woman and man of God but,
because they know that what you carry is greater than them.
Even in the place of work, when you start experiencing unusual attitude from your colleagues
Don't be surprised,
there's a level that God wants to take you to but the the accuser saw it and wants to stop you by all means.
In all these things understand that satan will give up when you don't give in.
When people are trying to pull you down,
understand that they have seen how your standing will be.
Herod's wife can't demand your head If it's not precious .
Delilah saw other hairs but left them and came for your hair because you are heir.
satan can't come to your land when there's no fruit on your ground...
Psalm 105:35
Be sensitive and press on in the midst of the press...
God bless you