in hive-108514 •  5 years ago 

Greetings everyone! It feels good to be here. Welcome to my blog and today where are going to be exploring an interesting topic titled my tresure-my heart or better still, you might want to say that the heart treasures
It's a short piece and I'm sure you are going to be blessed.

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Matthew 6:21.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Treasure is something that one values great that one would do anything to get it and when it is gotten, one would do everything in his/her capacity to keep it safe. Looking at how men are wired, you will come to discover that one way or the other, there is something that drives us everyday. There is something that makes us wake up very early in the morning just to see into it that we had a fulfilled day. This is completely normal and like someone once said, MAN IS A PRODUCT OF WHAT HE DOES in the MORNING,

Man his meant to always seek what seem to be value to him and if at all he gets it, then he does everything in his capacity to endure that the treasure is kept safe. So, where the treasure is, there will our heart be also.
When you see a Man whose treasure is how much of the mundane he Can gather, then you will come to discover that his heart will begin to pant after how he can get it by all means. The heart will be stuck in the thought of how things that pertains to this present world can be gotten. In the way, when you see a Man who has a lucrative business for example, you will come to discover that he is soon attached to how much he could put up strategies on how to maintain the treasure that seems to work out well for him. Treasure like I said is something that is of high value to the one who owns it or need it. It could be anything. Ranging from cars, houses, fame and it could someone very close to you. Treasure is simply someone or something precious to you. Treasure is something that you lay up for the future and this will make sure that it is kept safe. This has been what drives men and as believers, it is completely wrong if our treasure is all about how we can acquire the mundane. Worldly mindedness is a sign and prove that one doesn't love God even in the first place. Hence, the treasure of this world in its sense is wrong to achieve if the main focus is all about it. That was why Jesus in his teaching here emphasized that man need not to cling his heart to the things of these world. When you read the preceding verses of this scripture, you will come to discover that every treasure that pertains to this world is subjected to moth, rust and corruption. Christ admonishes that our joy and happiness should be set on things that are above(heavenly) and not things that are beneath (here in this world). It is our wisdom to give our all to the things that are eternal through Christ and to look at things here not worthy to be compared to the treasure that is laid up for us in heaven.

Everyday of our life must be carefully examined so as to know if of a truth we find happiness in the things that are laid up for us in heaven as it is been revealed to us by the word of God through his Spirit. A man cannot devote his service to two masters. He can only be devoted to one. God wants the whole heart of a man and he would not share it with anything (not even the world). A man who still finds this world as a loving place will hate God and a man who loves God will terminate his friendship with the world.

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To regulate the functionality of the heart, it's treasure ought to be set right. If your treasure is all about the world, then your heart will fix on things that will soon fade away(name it). But If your heart is set and gazed on things that are eternal, (that is how much you can be measured in accordance to the stature of Christ who is our standard) then your desire, effort, strength and zeal will be all about him.
Remember, the treasure of a Man is his God

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Set your treasure on things that are eternal and do not have a divided allegiance of the heart.


REMAIN BLESSED LIKE YOU'VE ALWAYS BEEN. @heartchurch #goldencenser


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