Raising the axe head program charge summary

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 


Minister: Bro Great Nnamani

Topic: Prepared for Honeymoon
Text: Revelation 19:7-8

Nobody can stop the agenda of God for the end time. The only thing we can do is to prepare. In this season, you dare not be a bloody civilian, join the army that sheds no blood. The narrow way is about obeying God, walking in the steps of Jesus. To survive, you need to possess the burning and shining light. Cry like never before to God for a spouse.

The most difficult standing, is to stand alone for God. This is when standing becomes a sacrifice. Rather than stain your garments, let your stomach go hungry. My soul worth the whole world. Don't let the devil bargain with anything for your soul.



  • You are the bride of Christ, your garment is Christ himself - Romans 13:13 you need to make out time everyday to tailor Jesus over your life so your nakedness and wretchedness will not appear in public. You'll find Jesus on the pages of your Bible through devotion and meditation, prayers, repentance,
  • Titus 3:5 until you come under the showers of the washing of regeneration, you are dirty. This washing causes a change of mind, mindset, value system. The water the Spirit man uses is different from the water the outward man uses. If you do not read your Bible this morning, you are dirty. Reduce the attention you give to the container, give attention to the content. The content has a journey into eternity. Don't be in a haste as not to wash, pick verses out them on your lips and chew it.
  • Her Pancake is Light from the face of Jesus gazing at her. Colossians 1:12 Practice the presence of God, be conscious that God is in me, with me and for me. Carry the awareness that no matter the environment, God is with you.
  • her handbag is the cross. Galatians 6:14 - this is about principles and rules of life that enables you to do God's will and damn the consequences. Anywhere you are, be up and doing to fulfil God's will for your life.
  • Her necklace is the yoke. Matthew 11:30 - when two animals are yoked together to do a job, the job becomes easier. Jesus wants you and him to go through the experiences of life. Jesus wants to share the workload with you.
  • Her Powder is ashes. The road that leads to heaven are not filled with roses. You'll need ashes of humbleness of heart.
  • Her flower is lily picked from the valley. Songs of Solomon 2:1-4 - Your flower which you carry around is picked from the valley of the shadow of death.
  • Her Crown is thorn. Psalms 65:11 - you wear the thorn of insults, don't expects thumbsup from the world system. Don't worry, heaven will exchange it for you someday.
  • Her shoe is megaphone of evangelism. Isaiah 52:7 - this will save you from many battles. If you don't push the gospel, they'll disturb you with sin. Open your mouth and God will fill it with what to say.
  • Her bra is holy burden. Galatians 6:2,5; 2Corinthians 7:9-11 - this is what holds your heart. When you hear the afflictions Satan has prepared for the church of Christ, you'd take it in heart to prayer. All Tribes will find itself in the heart of the believer, no matter their wickedness.
  • Her underwear is purity of lifestyle. Matthew 5:8; Proverbs 16:17-19 - things you do when no man sees you. It is who you are in the private. Make sure that your secret life is pure. Don't carry double life.
  • Her eyeshadow is the shadow of the Almighty. Psalms 91:1-16 - the glory of the Lord overshadows you to cover you from harmful things.
  • Her Lipstick is the law of cleanliness. Proverbs 31:26 - you become a Christian to the point that even your silence carries voice. Nobody can be around you and miss his path, you become a law giver.
  • Her earring is open heavens. Job 33:14-30 (study it) - this will enable you do ministry at any place and point in time with anybody. Wealth from God will come by the way He has chosen for himself for you when you have an open heaven over your ears. This earrings boost your confidence. It will give me speed without accident. Results comes from hearing. The secret of power is your ability to hear God and to obey him.


  • Her eyeglasses is divine revelation. Daniel 2:22; 28-29.
  • Her bangles is stone character. Matthew 21:44 - the person with this character cannot be bent, intimidated. No environment will make his/her hearth to quake.
  • Her Pomade is genuine Anointing. Psalm 105:11-15
  • Her kitchen is her altar. Altar is a spiritual thing first, then it is mobile. The altar is built in the heart and connected to your mouth. It is anywhere you can find conduciveness to pray, meditate without distraction - you will need a biro, Bible, jotter. An altar is operated every morning.
  • Her Food is Divine Flesh. John 6:48-51
  • Her Vehicle is the Will of God. John 4:31-36
  • Her Driver is the Love of God. 2Corinthians 5:13-17
  • Her Bridesmaid are Ministering angels. Hebrews 1:14
  • Her Cake is the Word of God. Ezekiel 2:8; 3:1-2; 4:10-11
  • Her Wine and Toast is the Holy Ghost. Ephesians 5:18
  • Her Heat is the Adversary. Because of this, God gives her handkerchief which is His comfort. 1Corinthians 1:3-6
  • Her Fire and Lighter. Leviticus 9:24; 1Kings 13:38, 2Chronicles 7:1-3
  • Her Music is the Lord himself. Psalms 137:4; 2Chronicles 29:37
  • Her perfume is God's fragrance. 2Corinthians 2:13-15
  • Her Beauty comes out of her holiness. Psalms 110:3

Jesus is not anyone's size. That's why you cannot posses Jesus alone, others must bare him.
Labour to invest Jesus in your life and others. The Christian carrying this would be victorious.

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