The charge summary hope you are blessed stay turned for more 21/05/2021

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Minister: Bro Great Nnamani

Topic: Axes for Exploit
Text: Psalms 74:2-9 (KJV)

God wants us to know that to be famous, popularity, power for Christ, they are tied in the Axes and to the Axes. The fame you want to have and make will not be found in BANNERS, it lies in the Axes and hammers.

How you handle the axes is not by eloquence. The more you delay your manifestation, the more they go to hell. You can shine in Christ. A man can be famous according as he uses and maximizes the grace upon his life. You are a messiah to thousands.


Light things are the things that would give you the weight of eternal glory. The iron is an indigestible substance. No leviathan can digest the iron God has given you. The security, provision you are looking for are tied to your axehead.

The church is the filling station for your tank, you receive fuel and fire outside. The church is a training ground. What is axehead to one is not axehead to another - One Spirit uses us, but there are diversities of these. We will use the Axes and hammers to pull down the structure of the enemy. The Axes used by hell to hewn down our synagogue are gotten from sleeping saints.


Go for the axehead. Your fatherhood and authority lies there. We were called to be confrontational. Give the word of God time on your pulpit.

What will bring me on their needs and you say you don't have time? And you're complaining about Nigeria. This axe is what will change Nigeria. Your attitude to the axe is what will give you the result you are looking for. Do something about what God has given to you, Use the gifting, Use that grace, don't let it lie dormant. When it is the word of God, God will back it up.

You will get what you're looking for according to your attitude to the axehead.

Carved works are the works of engravers. They are also known as inscribers. Jeremiah 17:1 - the enemy destroys the engraved works of eternal things in the heart of believers. Jeremiah 36:21-23

Let's rise up and do carved works. Carved works are first done on your knees before talking to people. Surgery is what you do in secret. Romans 12:3-17 stay in your calling, use your own axehead. Don't dabble into an office you're not equipped for. A man will be famous according to his proportion of faith. Carry your giftings in humility.

PRAYER: Activate the axehead in my belly.

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