Opening Charge
Minister: Bro Vincent
Topic: Forged in God's Furnace
Text: 2Kings 6:4-5; Jeremiah 51:19-24
A man is likely to fail if he does not know what scope God intends to do with him. Having a revelation of the size of what God wants to do with you helps to endure hard times. When the size of the work is not clear to you, your preparation will be poor because you're not seeing at all.
There is a pulling off before the axe head falls into the water. To cut beams without falling into the water, you need to be forged. Go to the furnace let God forge you so he can use you to break nation in pieces. God is sending us to cut down beams (politics, media etc).
The axe is made of two components. The shaft and the iron head. The wooden part signifies the individual believer and the axe head is the Spirit of God. If the axehead is missing, then it is human to human, nothing of significance can be here. Deuteronomy 4:20 - the trials you are facing, the oppression that has faced you is part of God's furnace He is using to make you. God will bring you to the point where you would encourage yourself in the Lord and even have to encourage others.
That you are going through now, you need to have a revelation that would help you to stay. You can't take up a war you are not prepared for. Proverbs 17:3; Isaiah 48:10 - when you enter the furnace, you have to surrender to the blacksmith. The blacksmith is the one who builds an ordinary man into an extraordinary shape. He melts, molds - as the fire is burning you, there are things you drop, there are things to pickup. Someone can pass through the furnace and not be made because they murmured against God. The things you pass through is to make you a weapon.
It is the combination of the mortal and the immortal that makes the axe. It is the divine and the natural that forges the axe. Darkness labour's to disconnect the axehead from the shaft. Your devotion is primary, every other thing that dies is secondary. You can afford to loose communication with man, but never loose communication with the Spirit.
Prayer: Lord, don't give me a weapon, make me a weapon.