Spiritual teachings may come to you in an unusual or way you didn't expect, but you need to be quick to carry them out. At times, all that you need for your next level is not so much a “big thing,” as it is careful attention a simple instruction. Think about the Lord's instructions to Joshua for example. He was told to take over and underbring Jericho. From the standpoint of human, that was a no possible venture, because Jericho was one of the most castellated cities at that time.
But Joshua followed God's instructions and the outcome was triumph for the Israelites. Some people would give anything for secondary factors like as money, human connections and philosophies that are uncertain in their success attempt. But they shun the reliable measure for guaranteed progress in life: which is following God’s Word, doing things in way of God. His instructions chappy His wisdom, which would lead to triumph, victory, excellence and glory.
Know that in life, your victories would all depend on divine generalship given to you by God through the Holy Spirit and His Word. So, practise fellowship consciously, with the Holy Ghost and the Word of God. That is where you will receive His warnings and guidance that put you above circumstances and the calamities of life. All instruction of the Spirit is dig in the weakness principles of the Word of God. That kind instructions may not be noticeable, but they always yield the supernatural.
So, act always on the instructions of the Holy Spirit in divine wisdom. When you act on it, it will make not matter the “wall” you are faced with in your life; it may be any wall, maybe the wall of sickness or financial trouble, but they will fall before you. The Holy Spirit instruction is very powerful, it's better you heed it or you'll end up where you don't want to be in life.