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God has made us king priests, it is a prophecy fulfilment! In Exodus 19:5-6, God told the Israelites that Therefore, if they will obey His voice indeed, and keep His covenant, then they shall be a strange treasure unto Him more than all people: because all the earth is His own: And they shall be to Him in a priests kingdom and an holy nation. These are the words which you shall speak to the of Israelites.” The word “kingdom” means “royal.” So, when God said told the children of Israel, “I’m going to make you a kingdom of priests,” what He meant was “You will be royal priests or king priests.”
Apostle Peter knew the fulfilment of God's prophecy had taken place in Lord Jesus Christ. The scripture says, All the promises of God in God are yes...” (2 Corinthians 1:20). Thus, He has got a royal priesthood: “But you are a chosen generation, you are a royal priesthood, you are a dedicated nation, [God’s] own bought, you are special, till extend that you may set the wonderful deeds and display the thew and perfections of the one That called you out of the darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9 AMPC).
As a king priest that you are, your primary assignment is kingly Prayer on behalf of someone else, with the prayers and entreaty. God has given the dominion to us and the power to alter the events course in the earth, using Lord Jesus Christ name. So, side with the God in bringing the will of God to pass in the earth; in your whole family, in the lives of those people that are around you, in the city and country you live. Learn how to direct God’s influence in power towards them by praying till you have a note of success in your spirit.