in hive-108514 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Welcome to the Official Blog of HeartChurch Ministry International.

Happy start to the week for all members and guests of the HeartChurch community, as it has been and is our commitment throughout the years, and on behalf of many people who are inspired every day to write with dedication and excellence, we remember the position on plagiarism.

We know that in recent months we have been growing with the inclusion of new members, and people who write every day, with a little more than 2,500 subscribers and a great community project underway such as HeartFarms and the Bread From Heaven dining rooms, we cannot encourage the use of the platform for plagiarized content, for this reason we want to give members and invited people the opportunity to improve their blogs, once again offering guidance, in this case we invite you to read the general rules of the community.This type of practice should not flourish in our community and for this we believe that it is best to provide information about it.



There is an explanatory post by @steemitblog, for new users, you can read on the link below.
Newcomers Guide

There is a world of opportunity in all the technological tools and grace that we have received at this moment in history where necessity, telecommuting, and financial freedom is an indispensable way of life.

Our call is to all the people who write in the community and on the platform in general to use the orientation publications, in the same way, from this moment on we will begin to make use of negative votes for those people who continue with this type of work. .

The HeartChurch community is an open community for daily living as testimonies of life, we not only base the blogs on theological or religious topics, so it is important that those who wish to participate in it, be authentic, show their true facet of life, their skills and talents.

We have been blessed, countries in extreme poverty and need have found a helping hand to establish themselves, expand their territories, and we are changing part of many family histories.

Oin Us On Our Telegram Channel:

You can take a look at the community Newcomers' Community, you will find information of interest that will help you on your initial journey.
There are a series of achievements that will make your stay easier, I invite all newcomers to HeartChurch to participate in them, we are a team and we want many people to join us, to learn from their life experiences.

Attentive to all the activities and contests that we will be doing in the next few days, check the community posts on the main blog so that you are updated with the land auction, painting contest, the start of the farms in Venezuela and the Bread From Heaven dining rooms.

In the next blog we will be discussing how new users will be received and their validation.

Websites of Interest.



This post was written for HeartChurch by @darlenys01

Edited Image

Cc: @steemcurator01


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“we not only base the blogs on theological or religious topics, so it is important that those who wish to participate in it, be authentic, show their true facet of life, their skills and talents”

That line is an additional privilege to members who wishes to be realistic and write about their real life experience.

Such genuine articles has helped me a lot in my blogging career.

Thanks Apostle @darlenys01

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

estoy de acuerdo mi estimada darlenys, como hijos del Señor debemos ser íntegros en todo y aún en el uso de plataformas como estás que por bendición de Dios podemos recibir retribución de alguna forma no debe ser está el fin en sí misma de realizar post. Nuestro fin debe ser la comunión y edificación del cuerpo de Cristo por esa razón muchos escribimos todos los días para realizar un pequeño aporte al cumplimiento de la misión dei(misión de Dios) que es , hacer discípulos a todas las naciones. Seguimos orando para ser ejemplo de integridad para la gloria del Señor. Paz

This is interesting 😃

This indeed is needed now, because the alarming rate of plagarism is too much in the community, hopefully this helps us all to grow.
He that has hear let him hear what our dear Apostle @dalylenys01 and all the board members of the HearthChurch family sayest.
Stay safe❤️

Thanks Apostle @dalylenys01

Thank heavens this is coming at last.

The kind of things people post here are nothing to write home about talk less getting a reward because most of it are content copied somewhere and funny enough they don't even pay attention to improving upon the write up.

A plagiarism check at this power would be a very vital instrument if we must grow along side others in the quality of content we produce.

Thanks Apostle @darlenys01

@steemchurch - I am delighted to see this long overdue message to your members. I have flagged posts repeatedly in your community and until now seen nothing to indicate that you were even aware of the significant problem here. From @aldercor's reply, it is clear that I am not the only one.

My hope and expectation is that these are not empty words and that you will at very least, start muting the posts that are highlighted to you on a daily basis. Today, I am highlighting 4 such posts to you.

As happy as I am to frequent church, I do not wish to spend my life in one.

cc - @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02

@endingplagiarism,Thank you, we are aware and we cannot continue to tolerate that people do not understand how important the work that is done in HeartChurch is, we are taking all our alert channels and next actions are coming, God willing that people become aware and rectify.

The membership plan is already being granted and this will be the starting point to put a stop to this type of actions.

Thank you and good luck. Please let me know if I can assist in any way.

@eldecor, In the main blog of the church there are the norms and rules of community interaction always emphasizing the original blogs, and the call to refrain from plagiarism, we have established channels where this topic is mentioned daily, we have also worked to give users tools to their blogs, as a contest, the construction of the HeartFarms game, the dailytelos, we do not need the blogs to be from another world, it is enough to be genuine, each person is a book, a story, an experience, this is where we want to go, get that ability of each one and that they show it, it is already each person's decision the way forward, and, at this moment, the second step was taken as it should be. Thank you for your comment and we hope to see your community participation in the activities of the church, there is a lot of work to do.


Thank you verymuch for this update Apostle @dalylenys01. God bless you soul

Esta es una generación que debe levantarse en integridad para andar en transparencia, por lo cual, como hijos de Dios, no debemos andar en plagio, tomar lo que no es nuestro y hacerlo pasar como nuestro.

Bendiciones y Abundante Amor

Creada en la App Canva

Thanks for the update. Good work done.

Finally, this will help this community grow because in this community contents matters alot and we must know what we write and let it be in line with the aims of the community goals as well.
Good job @darlenys01

Share your rhema with us not take someone's message for us, this is going to help better and improve our community

Thank your the strict warning about plagiarism. He who has eyes let them read and stay away from it.

Thank you for sharing.

Excellent friends since the beginning of my journey in Steemit I have seen your work and it is impeccable, keep up the good work, you are very helpful to the entire community and the world !!

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Thank you for this update, plagiarism is a great offence and it waters people work. Thank you once again Apostle @darlenys01 and @heartchurch @steemchurch God bless you greatly

Estoy iniciandome en steemit y me va parece interesante este artículo en esta comunidad y en todas, realmente una de las virtudes de un cristiano es la integridad en todo lo que hacemos, de manera qué cuando escribimos y publicamos algo debe partir de nuestra propias ideas, y cuando vamos a tomar un comentario debemos darle el crédito al autor. Hay que recordar que la transparencia rige al cristiano en su andar, ser como Cristo

Oin Us On Our....

I think this needs to be corrected.

And about the post, it's a great idea to let people know that copied content are not really accepted. Most people are here just to earn so they just take anything at all. Personally, I write most of the words from my head, except the bible quotes and other relevant quotes. We should focus more on educating others through our inspirational words and words of God other that trying to post and earn pnly.
Thanks #heartchurch

Certainly we must be authentic! I was not able to participate in the art initiative recently due to lack of time, I hope more such initiatives will come soon, many blessings!

amén completamente de acuerdo en todo. Bendiciones

@tipu curate 2

Really if we want to grow as a social and spiritual being, we must be honest and responsible with what we write, originality, however simple it may be, is our criterion, therefore we must be honest with ourselves, and act with humility in our writings doing what we think and we believe with authenticity because we remember that God gave us great talents to put into practice.
¡God bless you dear community!

Seriously true
i was a great evidence of this till i learn
that was ignorance

Thanks for the the wonderful information

Wow !!! I love what am seeing

wow thank God that at last things will move greater in these community and i will also thank God that these is a new month inwhich all rules must be strictly washed and followed

Wow, I'm glad to be part of this ministry and also I'm excited for this new development
I believe better days are coming

Мир вам, христиане!
Скажите, пожалуйста, можно ли в вашем сообществе писать посты на христианские темы НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ? Я - православная христианка из России. Хотела бы принять участие в вашем сообществе. Спасибо за ответ!

I can't imagine plagiarizing what should be genuine. I wouldn't want to face Jesus on Judgement Day with a plagiarized relationship. Something tells me that a fake Christian life might result in a rather toasty eternity.

I don't know why you don't upvote me as I new user, am losing hope in this community

Saludos y bendiciones mi estimada hermana en CRISTO aunque no sea miembro activo de esta gran familia cristiana me considero porque en CRISTO somo uno solo, y en realidad tiene razón debemos ser honestos y sinceros porque cuando escribimos o redactamos un mensaje es porque estamos adquiriendo el conocimiento y dirección de nuestro DIOS y no copiar o decir lo de otras personas o autores por lo tanto debemos serle honestos a DIOS y luego a nosotros mismos

Nice post

I really like to see @steemchurch talk about plagiarism. I thought it was only discussed on achievement tasks.
Worthy of not is the fact that once something has been said over and over and no change is seen, the day the church intervenes you see a great change.

More grease to the church


@steemchurch- wow this is a breakthrough, as well as I can also say a revival.

Since I joint the steem community and subscribed to the heart church here in steem I have read the rules but, when I went down to check the method of writing most of th writers weren't cocoring to the rules, I love a gathering of Christians so much because they are inspired to preach by God, but, it's different with most new commers and others, am happy this has been trashed here, this means I can make my first post here. Once more thanks to the @steemchurch
cc-@steemcurator01, @steemcurator02


amados hermanos que la paz de nuestro señor jesucristo sea con cada uno de nosotros, puedo entender que se puede trabajar en este block no solo con predicas ,puedo entender que podemos hacer otro prototipo de publicacion aun cuando no solo sea sermones entiendo ,muy interesante este aclaratorio amen ,Dios bendiga exitos para todos.

Gracias por esta informacion. Leere la guia.

A timely write up. I am blessed going through this write up carefully. Thanks @darlenys01