in hive-108514 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Welcome to the Official Blog of HeartChurch Ministry International.


The light of Christmas is yourself, when you illuminate the path of others with your life, with kindness, patience, joy and generosity. More faith and more love, result: PROSPERITY.


It is a pleasure for us to have you in HeartChurch, we know that it has been a time of change for all, however we are grateful from the heart for each life, each person who joins this vision that was born in the heart of God the Father.

Let us continue to be that community under construction, that we advance steadily hand in hand with Jesus, give forgiveness to your enemy, to friends your heart, to the sick your help, to the children a good example, to everyone, Love. What we wish for this new year is that in each one of us we make a fertile ground where we can cultivate faith, in this way we can achieve that purpose, that dream that God placed in each heart.

In this new stage that we are about to begin, it is good to remember God's fidelity and give him our most sincere thanks, although we have made mistakes, his hand of mercy never left us, the way to repay this unconditional love is by being better Christians, leading that word of love of freedom to those in need, breaking our souls and elevating our spirits. May God be in each family and in each home, be his presence with each one.

A new year is undoubtedly a new opportunity, every year I have a prophetic word for the church, for my family and for my life, I have received that this is the year of Faith, that faith that breaks closed doors and locks of bronze shatters, loving every minute, every hour that the Lord gives us, time of consolidation of dreams.

If we are sure that God has been good, then let us end this year being a grateful people.

Psalm 103
Reina-Valera 1960
Praise for God's blessings
Psalm of David.
103 Bless the Lord, my soul,
And bless my whole being the holy name of him.
2 Bless the Lord, my soul,
And don't forget any of the benefits of it.
3 He is the one who forgives all your iniquities,
He who heals all your ailments;
4 He who rescues your life from the pit,
The one who crowns you with favors and mercies;
5 Who satisfies your mouth with good
So that you rejuvenate yourself like the eagle.
6 Jehovah is the one who executes justice
And the right to all those who suffer violence.
7 he told Moses of his ways,
And to the children of Israel his works.
8 Merciful and gracious is Jehovah; (A)
Slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.
9 he will not contend forever,
Nor will he keep anger forever.

Psalm 103 is a monologue, written by David. He is talking to himself and exhorting himself to bless God with all his heart.

1.-Thanks for the benefits (V. 2)
2.-Thanks for forgiveness. (V. 3)
3.-Thanks for the health. (V. 3)
4.-Thanks for the protection. (V. 4)
5.-Thanks for the favors. (V. 4)
6.-Thanks for the mercies. (V. 4)
7.-Thanks for the strength and energy. (V. 5)

I think one of the reasons God said David had a heart after his was because he was a grateful man.

We will be creating new strategies so that HeartChurch is a strong and blessed community, that this new year God wraps us with his blessing and gives us opportunities to make a difference on earth.

Thank you all, Happy New Year 2022.

Oficial Director @darlenys01 - About me - Discord: Darlenys#3923

This post was written for HeartChurch by @darlenys01


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Indeed, God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we could think or imagine.

Happy new year to HeartChurch International Ministry

If we are sure that God has been good, then let us end this year being a grateful people.

God has undoubtedly been good to us all. It's true that things didn't go smooth everytime but in all things we still hold unto our faith and give thanks.
I pray that God will continue to be with us and see us through this coming year.❤
God bless @heartchurch!!

@tipu curate

Happy and blessesd New Year!!!!

Excelente entrega a esta comunidad que sin duda es obra de Dios, Felicidades en el nuevo año 2022, que venga lleno de fe, esperanza para todos, a todo el equipo de la comunidad de HeartChurch, abrazos.....

Que el nuevo año Dios sea quien nos ilumine siempre conforme a su voluntad.