For The Entire HeartChurch Community

in hive-108514 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Welcome to the Official Blog of HeartChurch Ministry International.

Happy day to all, through this publication we share the information that as of today, we will no longer be healing on this platform through Sniffnscurry.

HeartChurch has climbed to another level as a Foundation in the real world, from here on we continue with our vision focused on the ministerial call.

We are very grateful for the time spent here, the opportunities, the beginning of something wonderful and of course the support of all those who wrote throughout all these years.


The time and learning have been wonderful, not only have we learned or trained in the technical part, but human enrichment has been the most relevant, this does not mean that our work has finished, it is just a different level to the one that God wants to take us .

We extend the invitation to those members who believe in the life project to continue working together in the next activities of the Community, eagerly awaiting the launch of Heart Farms.

Loving and valuing every day here, I will always be available when you need me, spiritually supporting each member of this family.

God is always with us fulfilling his wonderful work.

This post was written for HeartChurch by @darlenys01


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Bendiciones a esta gran comunidad, seguimos adelante en cristo, sé que nuestro esfuerzo no ha sido en vano, en cristo. Todo lo podemos en cristo.

@saramina, thank you very much, amen and blessings

Deseo mucho éxito en todo lo que hagan de ahora en adelante, poniendo todo siempre en mano de Dios para que los dirija.
Gracias por el apoyo que me dieron las veces que participé en la comunidad.
Dios les bendiga!

@niña blessed, from heartchurt, thank you very much for your good wishes, in addition to those words, we also enjoyed your reflections and learned from them. It was all a beautiful learning...! Blessings

Gracias :)

It's great to see how far @heartchurch has gone. I know this is just the beginning of a wonderful era ahead... heads up!!✌🏽🌹

@eosiomara. Thank you very much, with God everything is possible!

Que bendición, amados, y mi deseo es que Dios sigua ensanchando el camino que han trazado, y les regalo el texto que se encuentra en: 3 de juan 1:2 Amado, yo deseo que tú seas prosperado en todas las cosas, y que tengas salud, así como prospera tu alma.

@another person, amen for your words. God has been faithful and good, we will continue in victory. Blessings

Thank you @HeartChurch, for all the wonderful things you taught me and all the guiding principles that form and empower a child of God. success in the new level of life and work.

Amen dear pastor, we will always need your prayers for Darlenys and the social and spiritual projects that are in her heart. Thanks for everything... fraternal greetings to you family and all your church. Blessings

The Church is marching on! Thanks to God for taking us to another heights. Do not fear for the Lord is with thee always.

@maxdevalue, amen, thank you for your good wishes, fraternal greetings and thanks for everything, it was a privilege to read all your reflections, we also learned from them.

The road is long and many fruits have been sown and harvested, teaching, sharing and good ideas will always continue to grow, God bless all this wide path that has been traveled.

@ruben medina182, amen, on behalf of Darlenys, thank you for the time that has passed, I am sure that new times will come. Blessings

Asi sera mi querida hermana, Las cosas buenas nunca terminan y mas si son de Dios. Saludos


Much Love ❤ from this side. Good bless this family.

Amen and amen. Health

Fue maravilloso escribir y compartir en esta comunidad. Gracias por todo lo entregado, las experiencias compartidas. Seguimos conectados por el amor en Cristo que es el vinculo perfecto.

Exitos y bendiciones en todos los nuevos proyectos.!

God bless @heartchurch

congratulations for claiming the next level

Thank you all so much on behalf of heartchurch and our dear @Darlenys

@tipu curate 2

Shalom ha sido de gran bendición esta comunidad para mí, y lo seguirá haciendo en mi vida, gracias por todo el conocimiento de cada reflexión que se esforzaron en compartir, vendrán cosas mejores para esta comunidad, no desmayemos amados hermanos, sigamos adelante en cristo señor nuestro.

@abrahamlucena, thank you very much, it really was a shared learning, we will always carry you in our hearts @Darlenys @ricci01. Blessings

Why is it that the community is no more functioning?

I am happy that this community exists. Its wonderful to truely attend to the inner cries that people can not let out. God bless you.

I hope some of us that are rich should sponsor a pilgrimage or get together at least once in a year where all community can meet,