in hive-108514 •  5 years ago 


Actually as Christians we must learn to be totally dependent on God, this is not easy to achieve due to our nature but with the help of God and only a little faith we can do it.

When we depend on God in all areas of our lives, we manage to confront the adversities and on the way increase the level of our faith, I explain a little:

My family and I have gone through different circumstances in which God has taught us that He will always be the answer for everything and that if we wait on God we will never be embarrassed or defeated, we have gone through difficult times with our little daughter who has seen really delicate health on several occasions, as humans we can say that it is not easy, at first we were desperate and tended to lose faith in the road, I can not rightly deny that if we feel a little scare, but not a fright that makes Let us forget that God is with us, that God fights for us.

I know that my daughter is from God, created by God to adore him and I know that God cares for his life, we as a father are raising the daughter of God, and He watches over her, day by day I have this marked in my heart and I know that God loves us, God is a doctor par excellence and the owner of my whole life.

So I'm convinced that even if it costs us we should start offering God every area of ​​our lives, suppose that each area is a room of a large house, we want God to live and move freely through all corridors and rooms, then we must begin to open the door of each room to God so that He begins to work in us.

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