in hive-108514 •  6 months ago 


"DANIEL soon proved himself more capable than all the other administrators and high officers. Because of Daniel’s great ability, the king made plans to place him over the entire empire."
Daniel 6:3 (NLT)

• Your gift will make a way for you. You have to prove yourself capable in whatever you are assigned to do.

  • The king has the plan to put Daniel over the entire empire.
  • The truth is, loyalty and faithfulness would lead to your promotion and lifting:
    "THEN the other administrators and high officers BEGAN SEARCHING FOR SOME FAULT in the way Daniel was handling government affairs, BUT THEY COULDN'T FIND ANYTHING TO CRITICIZE OR CONDEMN. HE WAS FAITHFUL, ALWAYS RESPONSIBLE, AND COMPLETELY TRUSTWORTHY" (Daniel 6:4 NLT).
    READ:Matthew 25:21,23
  • Work diligently, that you may be considered for lifting; there is no excuse for laziness (Proverbs 24:30-34). If you are not faithful in whatever you are assigned to do, greatness would be a mirage (Matthew 25:26-30).
  • When they could NOT find anything to be used against Daniel, when it comes to the COMMITMENTS TO WORK, they decided to get him down through his COMMITMENTS TO GOD:
    "THEN said these Men, We shall not find any PRETEXT [ploy] AGAINST this Daniel, UNLESS WE FIND IT AGAINST HIM TOUCHING THE LAW OF HIS GOD" (Daniel 6:5 DARBY).

• Let your commitment to God, in the services to Him, be outstanding.

  • Some Believers do live a dual life. The life they live in their places of WORK is different from the life they live in their homes, and the churches they attend. Do not separate God from your work!
  • Some are known to be Christians in the churches they attend, but in their places of work and the neighborhood they live; they are not known to be Christians at all.
  • Let your commitment to God be seen and known in every area of your life—wherever you may find yourself (Matthew 5:13-16; 1 Timothy 4:15,16).
  • Be the True light and salt of the world as the Bible says:
    13 “YOU ARE THE SALT OF THE EARTH; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. 14 “YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 LET YOUR LIGHT SO SHINE BEFORE MEN, THAT THEY MAY SEE YOUR GOOD WORKS AND GLORIFY YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN" (Matthew 5:13-16 NKJV).
  • The Good works of Daniel were seen in the heathen land, and the name of his God was glorified (Daniel 6:3; Ephesians 2:10).
  • Some Believers would not want to be known as a Christian in their place lof work. The life they live is not consistent with the Bible at all.
    THEY are not practical about their faith, their Christian life, whatsoever.
  • Some are not ready to defend their faith in their place of work. Some cannot stand on the truth of the Word of God, they are ready to compromise their stand—that they might keep their Jobs.
  • If you deny God because of your job, He also will deny you:
    "IF WE ENDURE, We shall also reign with Him. IF WE DENY HIM, HE ALSO WILL DENY US" (2 Timothy 2:12 NKJV).

• Daniel knew God is the source of his making: wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and the skills found in him, were given him by God.

  • If you let God down, He will not hesitate to replace you with another person.
  • Your place in that Establishment, where you work, is given you by God, and it is for a purpose:
    13 MORDECAI sent this answer back to Esther, “Do not imagine that just because you are in the king’s palace you will be any safer than all the rest of the Jews. 14 The fact is, EVEN IF YOU REMAIN SILENT NOW, someone else will help and rescue the Jews, but you and your relatives will die. AND WHO KNOWS, YOU MAY HAVE GAINED YOUR ROYAL POSITION FOR A TIME LIKE THIS” (Esther 4:13,14 GOD’S WORD Translation).
  • If you remain silent and compromise your faith, where you supposed to talk and defend the truth; God would raise another person in your place that would defend His name.
  • God did allow you to be in that position, that establishment, that you may fully respresent His interest.
  • You should let this register in your mind, because wherever you may find yourself, you are an extension of His Kingdom. Wherever you are, God's Kingdom should be found and reign there.
  • You are divinely placed in that office, school, market, and the neighborhood you live, or wherever you may find yourself. Thus, you must not disappoint God, you must fulfill the purpose why you are allowed to be there.
  • If what is expected of you by God is not done, you might be removed and your place be given to another person. This will not be your portion in Jesus name!
  • Daniel excelled, because he put God first in all his affairs.

• Note: When you stand on the truth and you are diligent, you will attract opposition:
"THEN the other administrators and high officers began SEARCHING for some FAULT in the way Daniel was handling government affairs... " (Daniel 6:4 NLT).

  • Do not compromise your stand in God, some are watching you, waiting for you to put your hand in Sin, or be involved in it.
  • Focus on God, let all you do be directed by Him. Do not trivialized or take for granted, your relationship and fellowship with God, because the secret of your greatness is in it, and it is your defense.
  • Do not be ashamed to declare it, let people know, that your secret is God. The administrators, other officers, and the king knew the secret of Daniel was the God of heaven.
  • Do not hide your God, let people know your God, be identify with Him; and let that be known through your commitment— the way and manner you serve Him.
  • If you hide from God, or hide your God; when you also needed Him, He might not be there for you—He will also hide for you:
    "BUT WHOEVER DENIES ME [Jesus] BEFORE MEN, him [or her] I WILL ALSO DENY BEFORE MY FATHER who is in HEAVEN" (Matthew 10:33 NKJV).
  • You cannot use God and dump Him. You are called to relate with Him, be identify with Him, and live your life to please Him—live according to His Word:
    READ: Romans 14:7,8; Galatians 2:20; 1 Peter 4:2

• You will not fail in Jesus' mighty name.

  • Should there be any ailment in your body, I declare your healing now in Jesus' name.
  • You are made whole of every infirmity in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
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