in hive-108514 •  6 months ago 


2 MY brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,
4 But let patience have its PERFECT WORK, that you may BE PERFECT [mature] AND COMPLETE, LACKING NOTHING."
James 1:2-4 (NKJV)

• Patience is being constant or being the same way all the time, whether in COMFORTS or tribulations.

  • Believers must always respond, or react in every circumstance of life, the same way, according to the Word of God.
  • The power of patience is necessary to undergird faith and give It the endurance to persevere until the answer comes.
  • Without the power of patience at work in your life, you might allow sense knowledge, the things you see, to overwhelm your faith.
  • Trials and tribulations develop patience. Whilst Faith is developed by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). And that is developed before the trials come (Luke 6:47,48).
  • Patience has to be in place in the time of tribulations, otherwise you wavered—and be unable to receive anything from God (James 1:6,7).
  • You had to know that whatever the Word of God says will stand, but you will need patience so that you will not be moved by what you see:
    20 He [Abraham] did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was STRENGTHENED IN FAITH, giving glory to God, 21 AND BEING FULLY CONVINCED THAT WHAT HE HAD PROMISED HE WAS ALSO ABLE TO PERFORM. 22 And therefore “it was accounted to him for RIGHTEOUSNESS" (Romans 4:20-22 NKJV).
    READ: 2 Corinthians 4:18

• Test of Faith produces Patience.

  • A Believer's level of faith and patience are known through tribulations.
  • Patience will give you confidence that your faith will not fail.
  • Patience is being constant and being the same at all times. Thus, tribulations worked or produced Patience!
  • When your faith is tested, your patience is fully developed. And when your patience-endurance fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for whatever (Romans 5:3,4).
  • God will allow your faith to be tested in order to develop patience in you (James 1:3).
  • God wants you to learn in your tribulations. In other words, you turn the trial Time to a time of learning.

• God blesses those who's Patience endured testings or trials (James 1:12).

  • Any pressure that draws you away from God's Word, is the begining of a fall. If you acted on that lust, Sin would be the result, and would give an opportunity to the devil (James 1:14,15).
  • If you allowed any pressure to take you away from the Word of God, you would eventually go down—nosedived in your Christian faith. You need patience when the tribulations come!
  • It is impatience that makes a Believer, who knows the Truth, compromises the Word of God:
    "BUT he who looks into the perfect law of liberty AND CONTINUES IN IT, AND IS NOT A FORGETFUL HEARER BUT A DOER OF THE WORK, THIS one will be BLESSED IN WHAT HE [she] DOES" (James 1:25 NKJV).
  • Solution to every problem is found in the Word of God. Looking into the perfect law of liberty, the Word of God, gives you solution to whatever problem you are confronted with.
  • False Prophets have nothing to offer you. If you did not want to regret at the end, abide in the Word of God.

• The truth is, trials are common to man:
"NO TEMPTATION [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you THAT IS NOT COMMON TO HUMAN EXPERIENCE [nor is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance]; BUT GOD IS FAITHFUL [to His word—He is compassionate and trustworthy], and HE WILL NOT LET YOU BE TEMPTED BEYOND YOUR ABILITY [to resist], but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always] PROVIDE THE WAY OUT AS WELL, SO THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO ENDURE IT [without yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy]" (1 Corinthians 10:13 AMP).

  • God is faithful, He would not allow whatever you cannot handle and overcome, come your way.
  • God always makes the way of escape—the way out of any predicament. Thus, count it all joy when you are tested or tried (James 1:2).
  • Believers are potentially victorious over every circumstance and challenge of life, because Jesus defeated the devil (Colossians 2:15). You overcome potentially whatever is permitted to come your way as a Believer in Christ Jesus (1 John 5:4).
  • Note: Tribulation produces perseverance or patience-endurance (Romans 5:3).
  • Whilst tribulations persist, perseverance or patience is being developed. The longer the tribulation, the better and stronger your perseverance or patience-endurance.
  • You experience fulfilment of God's promises when your patience or endurance is fully developed:
    "FOR you have need of ENDURANCE, so that after you HAVE DONE THE WILL OF GOD, you may RECEIVE THE PROMISE (Hebrews 10:36 (NKJV).
  • Promises of God are obtained through Faith and patience: "THAT you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through FAITH AND PATIENCE INHERIT THE PROMISES" (Hebrews 6:12 NKJV).
  • You obtain promises, good testimonials, when your faith is tested or tried (Hebrews 11:2). And it is the testing of faith that produces patience (James 1:3).

• Patience will develop your character strength which in turns develop your confident-expectation, that is, hope (Romans 5:4).

  • A Believer who deliberately lives in Sin, is a Believer who has no Hope or has lost it:
    11 DEAR friends, you are like foreigners and strangers in this world. I BEG YOU TO AVOID THE EVIL THINGS YOUR BODIES WANT TO DO THAT FIGHT AGAINST YOUR SOUL. 12 People who do not believe are living all around you and might say that you are doing wrong. LIVE SUCH GOOD LIVES THAT THEY WILL SEE THE GOOD THINGS YOU DO AND WILL GIVE GLORY TO GOD ON THE DAY WHEN CHRIST COMES AGAIN" (1 Peter 2:11,12 New Century Version).
  • A Believer who has the hope of Christ's second coming would not be living in Sin without any remorse.
  • Whoever claimed to be God's, and has the hope of Jesus' coming, would not be living in Sin:
    "THEREFORE lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls" (James 1:21 (NKJV).
  • All you need is patience that you might grow in character and hope.

• God uses tribulations to develop patience, and godly character in a Believer's life. Thus rejoice in whatever tribulation and learn from it (James 1:2).

  • know that God will not forsake you in the trial Time. And when you developed patience-endurance in tribulations, you become spiritually matured.
  • Your character is much more important to God than the material Blessings you may be desirous of.
  • The truth is: whatever material Blessing given to you cannot last, if your strength of character is weak.
  • Believers with weak characters, character defects, cannot keep the Blessings given them by God.
  • God wants to work on your character, before He releases the material Blessings which He has in plan for you.

• Patience guards against the permission into your heart of; doubt, negative confession, and Unbelief.

  • Putting the power of patience to work is what makes the difference between success and failure, in your faith walk, that is, your Christian journey.

• You will not fail in Jesus' name.

  • Should there be any ailment in your body, receive your healing now in Jesus' name.
  • Whatever is not planted by God, working against your health, is rooted up in Jesus' name.
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