in hive-108514 •  last year 


  1. MEANWHILE, Jesus was in Bethany at the home of Simon, a man who had previously had leprosy.
  2. While he was eating, a woman came in with a beautiful ALABASTER JAR OF EXPENSIVE PERFUME AND POURED it over his head.
  3. The disciples were INDIGNANT when they saw this. “WHAT A WASTE!” they said.
  4. “It could have been SOLD for a high price and the MONEY GIVEN to the POOR.”
  5. BUT Jesus, aware of this, replied, “Why CRITICIZE this woman for DOING such a GOOD thing to ME?
  7. She has poured this perfume on Me to PREPARE My body for burial.
  8. I tell you the truth, WHEREVER THE GOOD NEWS IS PREACHED throughout the world, this woman’s DEED will be REMEMBERED and DISCUSSED.”
    Matthew 26:6-13 (NLT)

• Giving to the anointed Ministers of God; your Pastor and other Ministers whom God has used to bless you spiritually, is not a waste (Philippians 4:14-19; 1 Corinthians 9:11,14; Romans 15:27).

  • The disciples said the woman who poured oil on Jesus should have sold the expensive perfume or oil and give the money to the poor (Matthew 26:9).
  • Jesus said what the woman did would always be remembered wherever the gospel is preached all over the world, and it would always be told as a memorial to her (Matthew 26:13).
  • He says also: “You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have Me" (Matthew 26:11 NLT).

• The truth is: whatever you give to your Prophet or Pastor is not a waste.

  • Whenever you give to them, you are provoking the anointing on the Minister for blessings (Philippians 4:17-19).
  • If you served faithfully under a Leader, but failed in this principle of Giving, you may NOT experience a major financial lifting.
    YOUR lifting is attached to the strength of your Giving!
  • Every Giving has a purpose. They fulfil different purposes. God uses what you give as a SEED to open the doors of greatness for you.
    (a) When you give Tithes, the heaven over you is opened (Malachi 3:10).
  • Tithing is the foundation, the basic of all Givings. It is also a defence. It is what God considered in defending you when the enemy, the devil, comes to challenge and devour your finances (Malachi 3:11).
    (b) Offerings are, however, given to open doors for you. The offerings you give after you have established the foundation of Tithing determine the speed of the Return and the largeness of what you receive back (Luke 6:38; Galatians 6:7).
  • Offerings cause the doors to great places OPENED for you! (Proverbs 18:16).
  • Giving to the projects in your local Church, missions, and the visions of your Prophet or Pastor Opened unusual doors of breakthroughs for you; in your career, assignment, or whatever you do.
    VENISON is the Offering you give to your spiritual Father (Genesis 27:3,4, 25-29), whilst PROPHET OFFERING is for your Mentors, Coaches or Instructors, and other Ministers who blesses your life.
    BOTH the Venison and the Prophet Offering released unusual financial favour on your Life.
    NOTE: You should have the mindset of taking a SEED or gifted to whoever the Minister of God you intend to see or meet (1 Samuel 9:7,8).
  • The oil of favour is released on your Life if you are committed to these aforementioned kinds of Giving.
  • If you are tight-fisted and callous, you do not think about your Pastor, his well-being, you are undoing yourself (Proverbs 11:24,25).
  • The principle of Giving to your Pastor or Prophet is a strong biblical principle that is mysterious, strange, or difficult to explain.
  • It is wrong, when you have the thought that Giving to the poor is much more important than Giving to your Prophet or Pastor. Having the notion that your Pastor or Prophet has ENOUGH already, and it is not needed or necessary to give anything to them (1 Timothy 5:18; 1 Corinthians 9:10,11).
    SUCH thoughts would only put you in the position of the poor.
  • Some even think it is their Pastors who supposed to give to them, they are expecting their pastors to always give to them, especially if the Pastor is a bit comfortable.
    IF you have a Pastor who gives you money and other material things, such a Pastor does not love you enough to tell you the truth. Such would not allow God to work or move in your life and situations.
  • A Minister who gives money and other material things to the people under their leadership is not helping them.
    SUCH a Minister would not allow God to work in the lives of the people because he or she has taken the place of God in their lives.
  • You cannot rise financially with the mindset of collecting money from your spiritual father. Any Pastor who is doing that for you, is not helping you.

• The pastors Who do that
(a) Some pastors who do that may be doing it out of pity, probably they think they have to do something to show their concerns, compassion, kindnesses, or Love; because of your condition—distress or predicament.
(b) And another set of Ministers who do it could be well-meant, They may be doing it out of ignorance. They may not know the spiritual implications.
(c) Whilst the third group: Such pastors are doing it to tie down their members, they become a tin God to such members. In most cases, the Pastors who do that are the ones who do not have the spiritual substance, the anointing, to minister to the needs of those who are under their leadership.
THE needs and problems of those who are under them would not be met and solved, because the spiritual stamina, the ANOINTING to break the hold of the enemy on those members is not on their lives, yet they would NOT want such people to leave their Churches.

  • They would device a means to keep the people under them, By endeavouring to meet the material needs of the people.
    THEY give such members money, food, clothes, and other material things to keep them coming to their Churches.
  • The people who are usually the victims of such things are those who like FREE things. THOSE who do not like TO hear any message on Giving.
  • FREE things will FREEZE you! It will tie you down, you will not be able to move, and your destiny would be eroding away.
  • If you are in a Church where money is not talked about. Giving to God: His work, Ministers, needy, and others; is not taught and emphasized, I want to enjoin or strongly advise you to leave such a Church.
    YOU cannot rise financially if you keep worshipping in such a place.

• In contrast, the Pastor who is ministering spiritual substance to you, who desires your progress, would encourage you to GIVE, sow to the work of God, sow to the lives of the poor Or the needy, and sow to the lives of God's Ministers.
EVEN if such a Pastor, who has a good heart, gives you anything, money or whatever, they would still encourage you to give Tithes and sow seeds out of the money you have been given as a gift.

  • IF you are attending a church because they give you free food, clothes, money, I would like to encourage you to think on it and ask, whether God actually wants you to be there.
  • I have met some people who said they prefer to attend a church where money is not talked about or emphasized.
    IF you attend a church like that, the leadership of such a church is not helping you and does not love you.
  • Whoever loves and Likes you, and wants your financial lifting and progress, would want to tell you the truth, teach you the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27).
  • In addition, a church where money is not taught would freeze you! You will not experience any progress financially and materially.
    FREE things will FREEZE you!

• Note: Although there are hirelings Who are NOT Ministers of Christ, who would like to milk the cow 🐄 they have not FED (John 10:12,13). JESUS says: " their fruits you will know them" (Matthew 7:20).

  • Beware of such People, They are not Ministers of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).
    THEY are wolves in sheep clothing (Matthew 7:15,16). THEY are the enemies of the cross of Christ, their belly is their god, and their end is destruction (Philippians 3:18,19).
    READ: Matthew 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45

• You will not fail in Jesus' name.

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