in hive-108514 •  2 years ago  (edited)


  1. "These are the Nations that THE LORD LEFT IN THE LAND TO TEST THOSE ISRAELITES who had not experienced the wars of Canaan.
  2. HE DID THIS TO TEACH WARFARE TO GENERATIONS OF ISRAELITES who had no experience in battle."
    Judges 3:1,2 (NLT)

• The main adversary Or archenemy of Believers is the devil (Revelation 12:9,10).

  • Albeit, there are human beings Who yielded to the devil and are used as instruments against the Believers.
    THE work of these people is to act for the devil, they are his agents.
    THE devil empowered them to do evil and propagate his works on earth.
    THESE people are the enemies of the people of God, Believers in general.
  • These human agents are: witches, occultists, wizards, voodoo priests, and some other ones; would not all be removed or destroyed—they are allowed to remain for a purpose.
    IF all the opposition around you are removed, and you live in comfort without any challenge from the devil, his agents and demons, you may be complacent and not serve God again.
    SOME forces and human agents of the devil are permitted around you to teach you about spiritual warfare, and to test your heart whether you would obey His commandments or not: "And they were left, that He might test Israel by them, TO KNOW WHETHER THEY WOULD OBEY THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE LORD, which He had commanded their fathers by the hand of Moses" (Judges 3:4 NKJV).

• The devil is there to challenge whatever you may want to do for the Kingdom

  • God would want you to face challenges that you may know how to handle conflicts and opposition successfully in whatever you do (1 Peter 5:8,9).
  • The devil would not want you to get what the Lord has promised and apportioned you without putting up a fight.
    THERE are giants in every Canaan land apportioned you by God (Numbers 13:28,31-33).
  • You may not get it with ease, it has to be with violence: "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, AND THE VIOLENT TAKE IT BY FORCE" (Matthew 11:12).
  • God did allow certain Nations in Canaan to teach the new generation of the Israelites about warfare.
    HE did not allow Joshua to kill and drive out all the inhabitants of the land completely (Judges 2:21-23).

• You can not dodge the battles, there are evil forces and the world, the Human agents of the devil, that would be allowed to teach you about spiritual warfare.

  • If you leave a place because of opposition, you should know that the new place you are going, some would be there waiting for you.
    THERE may not be any free and easy zone where there would not be any opposing Force.
  • The forces and human agents of the devil permitted are not meant to kill you, they are allowed to train you about spiritual growth and warfare (Judges 3:2).
    BY being exposed to challenges and allowed to face opposition, your spiritual strength and muscles are built up, thus you would have strong spiritual stamina—become a stalwart believer.

• The Bible also mentioned that those heathen Nations were left unconquered that God May test the Israelites whether they would obey His commands or not (Judges 3:4).
LIKEWISE in the life of every believer, the forces allowed are to test them whether they would obey the commandments and instructions given them by God (Judges 3:1).

  • Whenever you allowed laxity, spiritual apathy Or whatever in your life, God may permit the devil or any of his agents to touch your comfort, in order to wake you up in your slumbering and brace up as a soldier of Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:6; 2 Timothy 2:3,4).
    GOD may allow your dreams to be manipulated, Also, may permit lacks, disappointments, and any other form of frustrations and oppressions in order to wake you up and pray, and give attention to other spiritual exercises: Fasting, Giving, being diligent in the study of the Word, attending Church meetings, and whatever Principle.
    GOD is not the cause of the affliction, but your spiritual apathy GIVES room to the devil to have a field Day in your life: "FOR GOD IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION BUT OF PEACE, as in all the churches of the saints" (1 Corinthians 14:33).
    IF you break the hedge, the serpent will bite (Ecclesiastes 10:8).

• God is loving, He would not want you to go into spiritual apathy.

  • He would not want you to lose your salvation, your fellowship with Him, and whatever Blessing He has bestowed on you.
  • Whenever there is a gap between you and Him, a gap in your relationship and fellowshipping with Him, He may permit the enemy, the devil, to shake you up and that you may run back to Him (Amos 4:6-11).
    GOD would not want to share the affection you have for Him with any other person Or thing.
  • When you started giving attention to someone or something more than God, then you are calling for problems.
    GOD would allow whoever you give attention and whatever you give priority more than Him to humble you, disappoint you, and chastise you.
  • Your attention should be given to God alone, He is interested in every affair of your life.
    GOD desires our fellowship than any other thing, If you starve Him of your fellowship or communion, He might allow you to receive disappointments from wherever or whomever your focus or heart is.

• You can only take your inheritance, your promised land, through consistent fellowship with God.
DO not allow any Gap in your relationship with Him.
HAVE a plan on how to know God the more, that is, how to grow in your walk with Him.
IF you allowed any Gap in your relationship and fellowship with God, you may have to suffer for it.

• You will not regret in Jesus' name.

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