The spirit of a man is the engine to the body. Man is a spirit having soul which dwell in a body. That's why when the spirit (engine) leaves a man body, it result to death. In a nutshell, the body is obedient to the spirit. The body is answerable to the spirit. The body is the container that contains the content (the spirit and the soul).
The mouth is the ignition system that powers the engine (spirit) and the words are fuel to the engine (spirit).
"Man is a Spirit, with soul that lives in a body" (Kenneth E. Hagin)
If you pour water in a car fuel tank, it won't start and that may knock down the engine. The same is applicable to man. The kind of words you speak determine how far you will go in life. If you speak life, your spirit man will take it and send it to the body and the body will decode it and function in accordance to your words.
It's written, "....You will have WHATSOEVER you SAY... " Mark 11:23
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