Accessing True Humility

in hive-108514 •  3 years ago 


Humility is one of the goodness that made the work of our salvation possible. It took great humility for our Jesus Christ the Son of God to take the form of a man and die the painful death of the cross of Calvary. The secret of Jesus Christ's humility lies in the state of His mind. A lot of Christian believe they are humble, but only challenge shows a man’s real character. It takes the mind of Christ being stored into you to experience genuine humility.

The Lord's humility isn't faked like what we generally see today. You will see someone who behaves and speaks as though he is humble, but under little provocation, he throws caution to the wind. At this point, you will see the real character of that person. If you are struggling to remain humble, ask God that the mind of Christ be made manifest in you today. Don't stop asking until you see yourself showing forth Jesus's humility.

When you give your life to Jesus Christ at salvation, the mind of Christ is transplanted into your spirit. It only takes the sanctification experience to actually show forth this new mind without struggling. Through sanctification, there is an overflow of the grace of God that is given to you, helping you to easily manifest the nature of the Lord that you have gotten through salvation.

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