Our God is the Compassionate God that everybody on earth should desire to have. The Almighty God is the strength of the people who have no strength.
It is however sad that we permit the enemy to deceive us into thinking that our Heavenly Father isn't as loving and compassionate as He says He is, particularly in challenging times.
The enemy also maligns God in the aspect of His commandments. It is important that we understand that His commandments are for our own good. When God instructed Adam not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in mist of the garden, Adam didn't know that it was for his own good.
The enemy tricked Eve into thinking that the Almighty God gave this commandment out of wickedness. Even today, Satan is still very busy attacking the integrity of God and His word through divers wrong doctrines, but the devil is a liar. I pray you will never not fall victim to Satan's deception that misrepresent God’s character in Jesus’ Name.
In 1st Kings 19:4-8, tells us about the travails of Elijah, a great prophet of God. While Elijah was on the run for his precious life, he became very tired that he asked God to kill him.
Dis-encouragement and weakness caused some basic things to go wrong in Elijah’s mindset here.
First and foremost, God doesn't kill without a reason for it. Secondly, He isn't an ingrate: how could He kill a useful and hard working servant who had been fighting bravely on His side? God won't do that.
In his state of discouragement, Elijah slept off, but before could wake from his sleep, there was eat back on coals and also water waiting for Elijah to eat and drink.
Elijah ate and sleep off the second time, only for God’s angel to wake him up a again, commanded him to Arise and eat; because the journey is very far. Our Heaving Father is a loving and caring Father.
It doesn't what the matter what the enemy may be telling you about our Father in heaven, I stand to debunk it in the Name of the Lord Jesus: it is not true. Our God is good, all the time. Believe only what the word of God say about Him and it will be well with you