I want to ask you, how big is your dream? Is God in that your big dream? It doesn't have to do with how big that dream may be, if God is in it that dream, it will surely come to pass.
Dreams are a very vital part of human life because they influence the level an individual will reach in life. It is a sad thing for a fellow to dream small.
To dream small it's like going to the river to fetch water with a tablespoon. Only the people who go to the river with huge buckets and tanks will use the opportunity the trip to the river provides.
In a similar way, the realm of eternal life in heaven with God should actually influence your behaviors as a Christian. Hebrews 11:15-16 speak about the heroes of faith and the dream they had to be better citizenship in heaven, for which they regarded themselves as strangers and pilgrims on earth.
They sought a country and city that was much better than any in this world. When you see a fellow who claims to be a believer greedily amassing wealth at the expense of the expansion of God’s kingdom, don’t be surprised: such a person's behavior only shows how earthly-minded he or she is.
Unless you are tricking yourself, your dream of heaven should be huge enough to swallow any earthly aspirations you have.
Our Lord Jesus when He was about to leave this earth promised us that He was going to heaven to prepare a place for us, after which He would come back to receive to Himself in eternal bliss. Let this big dream drive you into righteousness with contentment which is great gain indeed.