Having access to a good and comfortable life isn't as hard as some people make it seem. As a matter of fact, living a good life was part of the creation of man.
God first made everything that man would need to survive, for a good life and comfortable before He made man in his own image and set him over all of his other creations
The disaster of life of difficulty only came after Eve was deceived into believing Satan's lies and Adam outrightly disobeyed God. God thereafter withdrew aspects of his good and comfortable life from them.
However, the good life of God was restored through the second Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ.
In 1st Peter 3:10-12, the Holy Spirit shows us to how we can have the good life that the Lord Jesus Christ came to restore us to. It would be wise of you to pay attention to the three main things declared in this scripture as important to experiencing the good life. First is your speech. No big surprise the Bible says death and life are in the power of the tongue.
The content and way of your speech have a huge impact on your relationship with God and man. Use the power that your tongue possesses to speak good things to yourself and everything that has to do with your every day.
Don’t try to progress in life by speaking negatively and lying about others. Learn to ask God and man what you want for yourself. I pray that God will enlighten your heart to understand the power of good that lies in your tongue so that you will be able to you it effectively.
The second important thing you must consider is your deeps. Most of the time, what you strive to achieve in life is what will come to you. The types of problems you solve in this present world through your works help very much to determine the type of reward you will receive from God and men.
I pray God gives you the wisdom to apply this truth towards expanding your reward in life. Thirdly, is the kind of vibe you bring into your community.
If you strive toward achieving peace in your family, neighborhood, and country, you will also enjoy a good and comfortable life of peace. What better way is there to impact your world than to preach the gospel of the abundant life that the Lord Jesus Christ came to give?
When you influence workers of wickedness to start to do good, you will certainly experience a good life around you. Are your words, works, and influence working together to exhibit the good life you have gotten from Jesus Christ?
Put to work the power inherent in your words, works and influence to access the good life God has provided.