Only the blessings that come from the Almighty God are irrevocable. This is because blessings from above are always attached to conditions as we see in Genesis 22:15-18. When you meet these conditions that God has set, He will then show Himself as might God in your life and nobody will be able to reverse your blessings except God Himself. The Almighty God can take away your blessing if you fail in the terms of the covenant.
For instance, the Almighty God reversed His promise to Eli in the light of the fact that he and his sons failed to live within the terms of the covenant that made them priests. If the Lord chooses to bless you and you become unfaithful, He can in this manner change a blessing to a curse. The Lord reassured that His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is an eternal one.
The Lord isn't unstable, therefore whatsoever He says, He will do. However, before you can enjoy these irrevocable blessings, there are some particular conditions you must fulfill. First, you must have an uncommon love towards the Lord.
Then, you must also be work righteous, praise and sacrificial giving. All these characteristics are found in the Lord Jesus and would be upon anyone who receives Him as their personal Lord and Saviour.