The presence of wickedness and the works of evil doer on earth are characteristic of a continuing rebellion to God's holiness.
This represents a consistent danger against people of God, and perseveringly attacks God's arrangement and purpose for mankind. In Matthew 13:24-30, the Lord Jesus obviously uncovers the source of this situation as the devil..
Thank God, the Holy Spirit further uncovers that we are enabled to pull down the strongholds that Satan uses to perpetuate mischievousness in this world. Satan and his accomplices are not just against the children of God, they are also strongly against God's arrangements and purpose on the earth.
Therefore, an appeal to God for help against these foes usually yields instant result. Only God's mercy and the hope repentance force God to defer His judgment on evildoer. Nevertheless, when God finally arise, His foes are dissipated and made to vanish like smoke, causing the righteous to rejoice exceedingly. The joy and celebration of the righteous is justifiably extraordinary at whatever point God stops the evil activities of the wicked.
Whenever God arise, it is alway bad news for His adversaries for some reasons. To start with, the rising of the Lord is for the most part abrupt and sudden by the camp of the foe. The Lord thereby throw them into disarray and causes horrendous harm for them. Whenever God arise, He dissipates His foes and violently overthrow their space without resistance.
Nobody at any point hardens his heart against God and prospers. Whenever God arise, He sits as the Righteous Judge to pass the merited sentence upon the wicked similarly as to Pharaoh, Haman King Herod, Judas Iscariot and a few others.
The day of God's judgment is often the day of complete and final of destruction of wicked people. However, God arise as a demonstration of mercy to bring solace, bliss and celebration to His people.
When God arise, His children are helped subsequent to suffering abuse, injustice, mistreatment and in some cases delayed difficulty. They cheer at seeing the destruction of the foe and they celebrate the opportunity and freedom to proceed with the pursuit for their destiny.
It is typically a period of singing and dancing on the triumph walk towards the Promised Land.