For you to truly appreciate what grace is, you need to see it as the love of God clouded in mystery.
Throughout the Bible, those who encountered God’s grace were favoured and blessed, and they could hardly explain what justified the favour they received.
The good news is that God’s grace is made abundantly available to all those who desire to be saved and blessed
God’s grace is embodied in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. To access this grace, you must accept Christ as “God manifested in flesh”, and believe in the sufficiency of His finished work at Calvary to wash away your past and give you a bright new future.
Doing so will open the door for you to escape the imminent judgement that will be poured out on this sinful world, just as Noah escaped the flood that brought God’s judgement on the people of his time.
The secret to Noah’s salvation was grace.
The truth is simply this: salvation is by grace, and this grace is available only through Christ. God’s grace for salvation through Christ is such a difficult concept for religious people to comprehend. They fail to understand it because they think the basis of divine acceptance is their own personal efforts.
We must keep in mind that grace does not indulge the beneficiary in sin or lawlessness; rather, it gives spiritual power to help us live according to the acceptable standards of our holy God.
You will be mightily and eternally blessed if you embrace the grace of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. You can only live acceptably before God through grace.
Through this same grace, you will receive help to do God’s will, and when you close your eyes in death, you will safely arrive in the bliss of heaven.
Are you a partaker of God’s grace?