Since the coming of sin into this world, life has turned into a fight for humanity. In the battle of life, one is either an overcomer or a victim because there is no in between. My prayer for you is that you will carry on with the rest of your life as an overcomer in Jesus' Name. There is one secret to be an overcome, and it's the name of the Lord.
So, how then can one call on the name of the Lord whom he doesn't believe? Therefore, before one can overcome by calling by the Name of the Lord, the person have to believe in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ and in His finished work on the cross of Calvary.
When the person believe this and confess so with his mouth, the person become "born of God".
Living the truth of being an overcomer in this world implies that you always experience the triumph that Christ has acquired for you over the adversaries of your body.
It implies carrying on with your life everyday as having been delivered from the power of sin, and when you conquer sin, you have imvariably defeated death, which is at the pick of the battle of life.
Are you are under any siege in the challenges of life? Has life given you such countless blows that you don't have the will to go on? Try not to surrender to depression, and do not contemplate suicide.
This is an incredible time for you to acknowledge Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, through real repentance. In prayer, call upon the Name of Him That can save, and you will overcome! Are saved yet living under the shackles of this world? The time has come to acknowledge what your identity is, stir yourself up from the residue of pity and start to enforce the triumph that Christ has won for you!